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WooCommerce hooks

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In this article, we are going to list down a few of the custom hooks that can be used to overwrite a few of the default theme behavior with the Astra theme. It is always recommended to add the custom hooks to your theme’s child theme. If you are not sure what a child theme is, please read this article. If you are not sure how to insert the custom hooks to the function.php file of the child theme, click here.

Astra theme custom hooks

Changing the WooCommerce Shop sidebar widget tag

The following custom hook will change the shop sidebar widget title tag to H4. This function is normally used to change the heading tag of the widget title to avoid duplicate headings which in turn increases the SEO score of a webpage or blog.To use this code, simply copy it and paste it at the bottom of the function.php file of your child theme.

add_filter( 'astra_woocommerce_shop_sidebar_init', 'widget_title_tag', 10, 1 );
function widget_title_tag( $atts ) {
    $atts['before_title'] = '<h4 class="widget-title">';
    $atts['after_title'] = '</h4>';
    return $atts;

Changing the WooCommerce Single Product Sidebar Widget tag

The following custom hook will change the single product sidebar widget title tag to H4. This function is normally used to change the heading tag of the widget title to avoid duplicate headings which in turn increases the SEO score of a webpage or blog. To use this code, simply copy it and paste it at the bottom of the function.php file of your child theme.

add_filter( 'astra_woocommerce_single_sidebar_init', 'widget_title_tag', 10, 1 );
function widget_title_tag( $atts ) {
    $atts['before_title'] = '<h4 class="widget-title">';
    $atts['after_title'] = '</h4>';
    return $atts;

Hide the quantity of the shopping cart when the cart is empty.

This custom function will hide the quantity of the items when the cart is empty. Ideally without the code, the cart will display “0” when it is empty; however, when you add the following code to the function.php file of your child theme, the display will be blank. Here is a complete article about the same.

add_filter('astra_woo_header_cart_total', 'remove_cart_count');
function remove_cart_count( $default){
    if(0 == WC()->cart->get_cart_contents_count()){
        return false;
        return $default;

This is how it will be displayed on the front end of the website:

Cart label

Changing the default “Shopping Cart” text to a custom text on mobile view

By default the WooCommerce have named the cart as the shopping cart. To change this text there are no options inside the theme or the plugin.This custom hook will let you change the shopping cart text to anything that you would like to. Just replace the text “My Shop Flyout Cart” to any text that you would like to set up.

add_filter( 'astra_header_cart_flyout_shopping_cart_text', function() {

    return 'My Shop Flyout Cart';


To know more about this, please visit this article. Here is an example of before and after effects of using this code:

Disable Cart Count Display

This custom function will disable the cart count display on your WooCommerce website.

add_filter( 'astra_header_cart_count', '__return_false' );

Change the Header Cart title

This custom function will allow you to change the cart title in the header to any text that you would like to. Replace the text “My Shop Cart” to anything that you would like to change the cart title to.

dd_filter( 'astra_header_cart_title', function() {

    return 'My Shop Cart';

} );

Here is a comparison of before and after images.        

Adding custom classes for Header Cart Menu section

This custom function will add a custom class to the cart menu section inside the header.

add_filter( 'astra_cart_in_menu_class', function( $args ){

    $args = array_merge($args, array('custom-class-name-1', 'custom-class-name-2'));

    return $args;

} );

Disable the WooCommerce Default Header Cart Icon

This custom function will hide the cart icon from the header of your ecommerce website in the Astra theme.

add_filter( 'astra_woo_default_header_cart_icon', '__return_false' );
Disable header cart icon

Disable the WooCommerce Integration

The Astra Theme comes with out-of-the-box customization options for the WooCommerce plugin. You can use these to customize the Shop, Cart, and Checkout Pages as well as Single Products. Contrary, to use the default WooCommerce pages and options for your website, you need to use custom code. Thus, you can learn how to do it with this document. To know more on how it changes the site, click here.

add_filter( 'astra_enable_woocommerce_integration', '__return_false' );

Disable the WooCommerce Shop Parent Category on Shop Page

This custom function will hide the parent category from the shop page of your ecommerce site.

add_filter( 'astra_woo_shop_parent_category', '__return_false' );

Here is an example of how it works.

Changing the “Out of stock” title

This custom function will allow you to change the text of the “out of stock” for any item to any custom text of your choice. To know more about this filter, please visit this article.

add_filter( 'astra_woo_shop_out_of_stock_string', function() {

    return 'My Out of stock label';

} );

Astra Add on plugin hooks

Changing the text “No more products to show”

This custom hook will let you change the text of the default message “No more products to show” to any custom text of your choice when your visitors reach the end of a product search. This is a premium feature and only works when the Astra Addon plugin is installed. All you need to do is to change the “My No more products to show label” in the code below to any text of your choice and add the code to the function.php file of your astra child theme.

add_filter( 'astra_shop_no_more_product_text', function() {

    return 'My No more products to show label';

} );

Change the WooCommerce Cart URL redirect

This custom filter will let you change the default WooCommerce cart url redirect to any page of your choice. If you have built a custom cart page and would like your visitors to be redirected to this page instead of the default cart page of the woocommerce, this is the filter for you.

All you have to do is replace the url “https://my_add_to_cart_redirect_url” to your custom url in the code mentioned below and add this to the function.php file of your Astra child theme.

add_filter( 'astra_woocommerce_add_to_cart_redirect', function() {

    return 'https://my_add_to_cart_redirect_url'; // e.g: http://<yoursite_url>/cart/

} );

Filter to change the “Load More” label

This custom filter will let you change the “Load More” labels on your ecommerce website. All you have to do is to replace the text “My Load More label” in the code mentioned below and add this to the function.php file of the Astra Child theme.

add_filter( 'astra_load_more_text', function() {

    return 'My Load More label';

} );

Custom Actions

These custom action codes will let you have more control on how your ecommerce page looks like in the frontend.

Open a product page in new Window

The following custom code will let you open the product page in a new window always.

remove_action( 'woocommerce_before_shop_loop_item','woocommerce_template_loop_product_link_open', 10 );

add_action( 'woocommerce_before_shop_loop_item', 'ami_function_open_new_tab', 10 );

function ami_function_open_new_tab() {

    echo '<a target="_blank" href="' . get_the_permalink() . '" class="woocommerce-LoopProduct-link">';


See it in action below

Display the in-stock value just before the Add to cart button

The following custom code will display the value of the in-stock items just before the add to cart button on the shop page of your ecommerce store.

add_action( 'astra_woo_shop_add_to_cart_before', 'astra_custom_code', 10 );

function astra_custom_code() {

   global $product;

   echo wc_get_stock_html( $product );


Here is how it looks like in the front-end

Adding custom snippet before the product summary on the Shop page

This custom filter lets you add a custom text snippet before the product summary on the shop page.

add_action( 'astra_woo_shop_before_summary_wrap', 'astra_custom_code', 10 );

function astra_custom_code() {

   echo '<div>

    Add here your custom snippet that needs to be added before the product summary on the Shop page.



Here is how it looks in the front end

Adding custom snippet after the product summary on the Shop page

This custom filter lets you add a custom text snippet after the product summary on the shop page.

add_action( 'astra_woo_shop_after_summary_wrap', 'astra_custom_code', 10 );

function astra_custom_code() {

   echo '<div>

    Add here your custom snippet that needs to be added After the product summary on Shop page.



Here is how it looks at the front end:

Add continue shopping button on cart and checkout pages

This custom code lets you add a continue shopping button on your cart and checkout page so that the customer can continue to browse more products and add them to cart.


* Add Continue Shopping Button on Cart (& checkout) Page



add_action( 'woocommerce_after_cart_table', 'woo_add_continue_shopping_button_to_cart' );


function woo_add_continue_shopping_button_to_cart() {

 $shop_page_url = get_permalink( woocommerce_get_page_id( 'shop' ) );


 echo '<div class="">';

 echo ' <a href="'.$shop_page_url.'" class="button">Continue Shopping</a>';

 echo '</div>';



add_action( 'woocommerce_before_checkout_form', 'woo_add_continue_shopping_button_to_checkout' );


function woo_add_continue_shopping_button_to_checkout() {

 $shop_page_url = get_permalink( wc_get_page_id( 'shop' ) );


 echo '<div class="woocommerce-message">';

 echo ' <a href="'.$shop_page_url.'" class="button">Continue Shopping</a> Not finished shopping ?';

 echo '</div>';


Here is how it looks in the front end:

Display SKU field in the product loop

This custom code displays the SKU in the product loop.

add_action( 'woocommerce_after_shop_loop_item_title', 'woocommerce_after_shop_loop_item_sku_in_cart', 20, 1);

function woocommerce_after_shop_loop_item_sku_in_cart( $template ) {

    global $product;

    $sku = $product->get_sku();

    echo "<p style='color: #444;'>" ."SKU Number:&nbsp; " . $sku . "</p>";


Add custom fields after the title on the Shop page archive

This custom code will let you add the custom fields after the product title on the shop page i.e. the product summary on the Shop page.

add_action( 'astra_woo_shop_title_after

', 'astra_custom_code', 10 );

function astra_custom_code() {

   echo '<div>

    Add custom fields after the title on the Shop page archive i.e. the product summary on Shop page.



Add custom fields before the title on the Shop page archive

This custom code will let you add the custom fields before the product title on the shop page i.e. the product summary on the Shop page.

add_action( 'astra_woo_shop_title_before', 'astra_custom_code', 10 );

function astra_custom_code() {

   echo '<div>

    Add custom fields before the title on the Shop page archive i.e. the product summary on Shop page.



Add custom fields after the title on the Single Product page

This custom code will let you add a custom text after the product title on the single product page.

add_action( 'astra_woo_single_title_after', 'astra_custom_code', 10 );

function astra_custom_code() {

   echo '<div>

    Add custom fields/snippet after the title on the Single Product page.



Add custom fields before the title on the Single Product page

This custom code will let you add a custom text before the product title on the single product page.

add_action( 'astra_woo_single_title_before', 'astra_custom_code', 10 );

function astra_custom_code() {

   echo '<div>

    Add custom fields/snippets before the title on the Single Product page.


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