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Sell like a pro

Today, we’re revealing 35 eCommerce marketing strategies that can take your online business from struggling to successful.

eCommerce sales worldwide are forecasted to grow by a robust 9.4% this year.

That’s why we’re cutting through the clutter and zeroing in on strategies that not only talk the talk but walk the walk.

We’re talking high-impact strategies, all with one aim: to significantly boost your sales.

Our guide is neatly structured into categories based on where the strategy is being implemented:

  • On your website
  • In search
  • On social media

This strategic approach can help move your audience from awareness to decision, ensuring your marketing efforts hit the mark across every stage of the buying process.

First, let’s talk about eCommerce marketing strategies you can use directly on your website.

On Your Website

Here’s what we’ll be covering:

StrategyDescriptionPotential ImpactDifficulty
Product DescriptionsCrafting compelling descriptions of products.Increases conversion rates.Moderate
Popups for Lead CaptureUse popups to collect visitor information.Builds email list; improves engagement.Easy to Moderate
PersonalizationTailor content to user preferences.Enhances user experience; boosts loyalty.Moderate to Hard
Live ChatReal-time customer service on site.Improves customer satisfaction; increases sales.Moderate
InfobarsBanner notifications for offers/news.Increases visibility of promotions.Easy
Social ProofShow when customers buy or like a product.Builds trust; increases conversion.Moderate
Displaying Similar ItemsRecommend products related to viewing.Increases average order value.Moderate
Reviews on Product PagesDisplay customer reviews for products.Builds credibility; boosts sales.Easy
Proper Stock ManagementEfficiently manage inventory levels.Reduces stockouts/overstock; optimizes sales.Hard
Showing Inventory StatusDisplay stock levels for products.Informs customers; reduces frustration.Moderate
Using UpsellsOffer upgrades/addons at checkout.Increases average order value.Moderate
Dynamic Pricing StrategiesAdjust prices based on demand/behavior.Maximizes profit; manages demand.Hard
PPP PricingPrice differentiation based on location.Increases market penetration; optimizes revenue.Hard
Customer Loyalty ProgramReward customers for repeat purchases.Builds customer loyalty; boosts sales and reputation.Moderate

1. Invest in High-Quality Product Descriptions

Writing (or hiring someone to write) high-quality product descriptions for your eCommerce site can boost sales and search engine visibility.

A compelling product description does more than just describe a product. It serves as a primary way for engaging with potential customers.

Good descriptions provide:

  • All the necessary information to make informed purchasing decision
  • A highlight of what distinguishes it from competitors

High-quality product descriptions should:

  • Be detailed, comprehensive, and tailored to address the needs and questions of your target audience
  • Highlight product features and benefits in a tone that resonates with customers
  • Offers info from the perspective of the buyer. That is, make it easy for potential customers to imagine themselves using the product.

You should also list key details (outside of a main description) such as size guides, materials, and care instructions. This ensures customers have all the information they need to make a decision​

A great example comes from Weber.

This company’s grills have a long-standing reputation but the product descriptions do well to put prospects in an apron with tongs in hand.


This description speaks of upgraded features, a patented cleaning system, and an overview of the user experience. It also offers an at-a-glance rundown of what to expect.

Incorporating multimedia elements like images or videos can enhance the shopping experience as well.

Images or videos allow customers to see the product from different angles or in action.

2. Use Eye-Catching Popups to Capture Leads

To effectively use popups for capturing leads as an eCommerce marketing strategy, you need to design them thoughtfully.

One way you can do this is to tailor your popup incentives to match the interests of visitors.

Whether it’s a discount code, a free guide, or access to exclusive deals, ensuring the offer is relevant can significantly increase the likelihood of capturing leads​​​​.

You can put effective popups together by:

  • Using a noteworthy design: Your popup design should grab attention without being intrusive. Use striking colors, ample whitespace, and consider the overall aesthetic of your website to make the popup stand out yet feel integrated.
  • Prioritizing good copy: The copy within your popup should be engaging and clearly communicate the value of your offer.
  • Refining your CTA: A concise, compelling call to action helps guide visitors towards the next stage of the funnel​​​​.
  • Letting user behavior guide you: Implementing popups based on user behavior, such as exit-intent, scroll-depth, or time spent on the site, can increase relevance and effectiveness. Tailoring the appearance of these triggers ensures that your message is seen at the most opportune moment​​​​.
  • Constantly testing different elements of your popup: Test the headline, CTA, design, and offers, to discover what resonates best with your audience. This ongoing optimization process is key to improving conversion rates over time​

The Leadpages website does a good job of incorporating popups in an effective way.

Just before leaving the site, an exit-intent popup appears that offers a downloadable content calendar in exchange for your email address.

 Leadpages popups

Many tools are available to integrate popups into WordPress and WooCommerce, like ActiveCampaign and HubSpot.

3. Add Personalization, Everywhere

Personalization isn’t just nice to have. It’s a critical expectation from consumers.

People are inundated with choice and their loyalty is hard to secure. 71% of consumers expect personalized interactions, and a staggering 76% find it frustrating when this doesn’t happen.

What’s more, businesses that excel in personalization can drive up to 40% more revenue from these efforts than their peers.

This suggests a direct link between personalization and both customer satisfaction and business growth.

eCommerce personalization goes beyond just addressing a customer by their name in an email.

It involves using data across demographics, browsing and purchase history, device usage, and more to tailor the online shopping experience uniquely for each user.

You can add personalization cross your website by:

  • Collecting data: Building a comprehensive understanding of visitors is crucial. This includes tracking first-time site visits, return visits, engagement with marketing communications, and more.
  • Securing customer opt-ins: Allowing customers to opt into personalization by sharing their preferences can help build trust and ensure compliance with data privacy laws​​.
  • Using technology to your advantage: Use insights gained from data analysis to serve dynamic content to different traffic segments. Base them on geolocation, device used, and demographics to make your site infinitely more engaging and relevant to each visitor​.

4. Add Live Chat to Your Online Store

Adding live chat to your online store enhances customer support and engagement by providing immediate assistance. It also means you can answer inquiries in real-time.

For WordPress users looking to add live chat functionality, there are several options available, including:

  • is a popular free choice that offers a rich feature set, including real-time tracking and support for multiple languages.
  • Tidio is a customer service ecosystem that includes a live chat, conversational AI chatbots, Helpdesk ticketing, email automation, and more.
  • ChatBot is ideal for those with a larger budget seeking extensive features, including AI-powered interactions.
  • Click to Chat offers a simple way to link customers directly to WhatsApp, making it a straightforward option for quick setup.

HubSpot makes use of live chat really well.

HubSpot chat

As soon as you land on their website, an AI chatbot pops up, ready to assist. From there you can access tutorials, training, and real human live chat support.

5. Add an Infobar to Your Website

You can add an infobar to your website as another way to catch a visitors’ attention.

Infobars usually appear along the top of a website and offer important news or deals announcements when they land on your page.

The Hello Bar plugin is a popular choice among WordPress users for displaying announcements, promotions, or important messages directly to visitors.

Hello Bar

It offers customizable designs and triggers to match your site’s look and feel, ensuring your messages capture attention without disrupting the user experience.

To add an infobar to your website, you can:

  • Use a WordPress plugin like Hello Bar or WPFront Notification Bar.
  • Customize the message, colors, and call-to-action (CTA) to match your brand.
  • Set targeting rules to display the infobar to specific segments of your audience.
  • Monitor performance and adjust based on user engagement and conversion rates.

6. Show How Interested Other Customers Are in Products

Social proof is an excellent way to build authority and trust in the eCommerce space.

Being able to show signals that other people enjoy your products while prospective customers are shopping can go a long way to encourage them to convert.

One thing you can do is display a message on product pages that reads, “X people have this item in their cart.”

Or, you can add a banner that appears on site when someone makes a purchase. The ProveSource Social Proof plugin does this nicely.


It allows you to display a message on your site like “Mike (London, UK) purchased Nike Air Presto 12 minutes ago.”

This makes it look like your store is a hot place to shop and can boost sales.

Getting started with the ProveSource Social Proof plugin is easy.

All you need to do is:

  • Install and activate the plugin on your WordPress site.
  • Configure your notification settings in the ProveSource dashboard.
  • Select the types of social proof notifications you want to display like purchases or sign-ups
  • Customize notifications to match your site’s design.
  • Set up targeting rules to determine where and when notifications appear on your site.

7. Display Similar Items or Product Suggestions on Product Pages

Displaying similar items or product suggestions on product pages is a strategic way to increase average order value.

WooCommerce comes with built-in options for adding related products.

This is done by linking products directly from the product edit page under the Linked Products tab.

WooCommerce linked products

You can manually select items by typing the names of the products you want to link.

This method is straightforward and doesn’t require additional plugins. It does offer limited customization options in terms of layout and display preferences​​​​ though.

8. Add Reviews to Product Pages

Along with other social proof ideas mentioned above, another way to build trust in your products is to feature product reviews on your product pages.

Reddit user Topinsights12 notes that people trust reviews as much as they trust their friends.

With tons of plugins available to enable this, there’s really no reason to skip it.

Site Reviews is a top recommendation, offering extensive control and customization for WordPress product reviews.

site reviews plugin

It supports rating systems and includes review schema markup to enhance search result visibility. It also allows user reviews, further adding credibility to your products.

Here’s how you can make sure customer reviews appear on your product pages:

  • Install and activate: Get the Site Reviews plugin from the WordPress plugin directory and activate it.
  • Configure settings: Access the plugin settings to select where reviews will appear.
  • Use shortcodes: Place reviews precisely with shortcodes on product pages.
  • Customize display: Adjust the shortcode attributes for specific review displays.
  • Use widgets: For flexibility, utilize Site Reviews widgets as needed. Or better yet, Gutenberg review blocks to place reviews where you want them.

The skincare company, Bliss, provides a good example of reviews.

Each product page has a star review above the product name.


Then when you click on this star rating,you can read in-depth reviews of the product and see images customers have shared.

bliss reviews

9. Prevent Products From Going Out of Stock

To prevent products from going out of stock, a combination of inventory management strategies is essential.

These include setting a standard level of stock, utilizing the FIFO method, maintaining safety stock, and accurately predicting product demand.

Using inventory management software can also streamline this process.

Venderly offers a leading supply chain solution tailored for eCommerce brands. It aims to streamline inventory management and forecasting.


It integrates seamlessly with your shop or marketplace, providing transparent and accurate forecasting for effective inventory control.

Venderly also offers:

  • Data aggregation: Consolidates inventory and sales data for a full stock view.
  • Collaboration: Allows for seamless collaboration with suppliers and team members.
  • Forecasting with alerts: Customizes forecasts to align with business needs and market trends.
  • Purchase order management: Manages purchase orders efficiently with complete visibility.

There’s no denying that you’ll miss out on a ton of sales if you run out of stock.

Stay on top of your inventory and you won’t miss a sale again!

10. Show Inventory Next to Products

Displaying inventory status next to products on your shop page can improve the shopping experience by letting customers know about product availability.

This transparency helps in decision-making. It also reduces the frustration of navigating to individual product pages only to find out an item is out of stock.

It streamlines the shopping process, potentially reducing cart abandonment rates and enhancing customer satisfaction.

To display inventory status next to products on your WooCommerce shop and category pages, you can use the WooCommerce Product Table plugin.

woocommerce product table

This plugin allows you to add a Stock column to product tables, showing customers the availability of each item directly from the shop page.

To use WooCommerce Product Table, all you need to do is:

  • Install and activate the plugin.
  • Configure the plugin settings to include an inventory column in your product tables.
  • Customize the column to display inventory status, such as “In Stock” or “Out of Stock.”
  • Apply these settings to ensure inventory status appears on shop and category pages.

Tarte Cosmetics takes a unique approach to this.

While they don’t display stock quantity or an “in-stock” or “out-of-stock” tag, they do change the Add to Cart button to one that reads “Join the Waitlist.”

tarte cosmetics

11. Add Upsells to Your Shopping Cart

Adding upsells to your shopping cart is a strategic way to increase average order value.

It works by offering customers complementary or premium products just before they complete their purchase.

This method takes advantage of the moment when shoppers are already in the mindset to buy. That’s an opportune time to suggest additional items.

CartFlows upsells

CartFlows enables WooCommerce stores to boost revenue through order bumps. It showcases relevant one-click offers on the checkout page.

This not only leverages impulse purchase behaviors but also significantly increases the average order value by presenting products customers might be interested in.

To add CartFlows upsells to your WooCommerce store, you can:

  • Install and activate the CartFlows plugin on your WordPress site.
  • Create a new flow and select the Upsell type for one of the steps.
  • Customize the upsell offer including product details and pricing.
  • Set the conditions under which the upsell is offered during the checkout process.

You can also set up and customize one-click upsells with CartFlows, instructions for which can be found on their website.

The luggage company Away offers upsells right on the product page. In the case of The Carry-On, you can add it to the cart or buy a set.

Away luggage

Then, once the item is added to the cart, you’ve given a cross-sell. This time, it’s for packing cubes to go with your luggage purchase.

away upsell

12. Use Dynamic Pricing Strategies

Using dynamic pricing allows you to adjust prices based on demand, seasonality, or customer behavior.

This approach can help you maximize profits by increasing prices when demand is high and decreasing them when it’s low.

It’s especially useful for businesses that deal with seasonal products or services. It can lead to increased sales by offering personalized discounts based on customer purchase history or engagement level.

Implementing dynamic pricing requires careful analysis and monitoring of market trends, customer data, and sales performance.

You can use a plugin like Advanced Dynamic Pricing for WooCommerce to implement these pricing rules.

It allows you to analyze data on demand, seasonality, and customer behavior to adjust product prices in real time.

It also permits you to set rules based on various criteria, ensuring prices are optimized for both sales volume and profitability.

Before you setup dynamic pricing, consider the following:

  • Understand your market and customer base to set realistic pricing tiers.
  • Analyze competitors’ pricing strategies for insights.
  • Consider cost-plus pricing to ensure profitability.
  • Ensure pricing flexibility to respond to market changes.
  • Add tracking to measure the impact of pricing changes on sales and profits.

13. Use PPP Pricing for Geo Targeted Marketing

PPP, Purchasing Power Parity, pricing makes your products more affordable globally by adjusting prices based on local buying power.

It’s great for reaching more customers in different regions effectively.

Other benefits of using PPP pricing include:

  • Enhancing global market accessibility.
  • Improving price fairness across different economies.
  • Increasing competitive advantage in various regions.

If you’re using SureCart as your shopping cart solution, you’ll be pleased to hear it’s adding this feature soon, making it easier for WordPress sites to sell worldwide with fair pricing.

surecart ppp

14. Create a Customer Loyalty Program

A customer loyalty program can be a great way to encourage repeat shopping. It involves setting up a system that rewards customers for their continued business.

By offering points, discounts, or special perks for purchases, you can enhance customer retention and increase lifetime value.

Many WordPress plugins, such as Points and Rewards for WooCommerce or YITH WooCommerce Points and Rewards make it easy to implement these programs.

points and rewards for woocommerce

They allow you to customize the earning and redemption process to suit your shop and customer preferences.

Any worthwhile customer loyalty program should include:

  • Reward points for purchases.
  • Exclusive discounts for members.
  • Early access to new products or sales.
  • Personalized offers based on purchase history.
  • A simple and intuitive redemption process.

Search Traffic (SEO)

Diving into search traffic means unlocking the potential of SEO to drive visitors to your site.

It’s arguably one of the most important eCommerce marketing strategies you can invest in.

Here’s what we’ll be covering:

StrategyDescriptionPotential ImpactDifficulty
Invest in a PPC CampaignPay to display ads in search engine results and on websites.Can quickly increase traffic and conversions.Moderate to Hard
Optimize for SEOImprove websites to rank higher in search engine results.Long-term increase in organic traffic and authority.Hard
Local SEOTailor your SEO strategy to rank higher in local search queries.Boosts visibility of eCommerce sites with a local presence.Moderate
Unlock Organic Traffic & Sales: Master SEO Foundations

A course that reveals the fundamentals of SEO through real-world comparisons, helping you boost your website’s search engine presence.

15. Invest in a PPC Campaign

A solid PPC strategy in 2024 involves selecting the best platforms like Google Ads and Facebook Ads, and leveraging their extensive reach and targeting capabilities.

Benefits of PPC campaigns include:

  • It’s overall cost-effective
  • Fast results are possible
  • They’re easy to control and test
  • You can use specific customer targeting

For running a PPC campaign effectively, tools like Google Ads Keyword Planner, SEMrush, and Facebook Ad Manager are essential.

google ads keyword planner

They assist with keyword research, competitive analysis, and campaign management. They allow precise targeting and optimization of your ads for better performance and ROI.

16. Optimize for SEO – For Real

When we talk about optimizing for SEO, it’s about much more than just throwing keywords onto a page and calling it a day.

It’s about getting into the specifics of what potential customers are actually searching for and ensuring your website is primed to meet them there.

Start with comprehensive keyword research to pinpoint the exact terms people are using.

Tools like Ahrefs and Google’s Keyword Planner can be invaluable here.

They allow you to explore both broad and niche keywords, including those with commercial intent like “buy online” or specific product features.

You can also use WordPress SEO plugins like SEOPress to ensure proper on-page optimization.


The aim is to balance informational and commercial keywords to capture a wide range of search intents​.

Site architecture is also important for SEO. A well-structured site helps search engines and visitors navigate your content easily.

This means organizing your content so that every page is accessible within a few clicks from the homepage, using a logical link structure.

Remember, a simple, scalable site structure benefits both user experience and SEO​.

17. Optimize for Local SEO

Along with standard SEO, you need to be thinking about local SEO, too – especially if there’s a local component to your business.

While this doesn’t apply to all eCommerce shops, there are some that sell in a physical location as well as online. eCommerce-based grocery stores, for instance.

In these cases, optimizing for local SEO while keeping standard SEO best practices is highly advantageous.

Google Business Profile

To optimize your website for local SEO in 2024, focus on:

  • Creating a robust Google Business Profile: Ensure your NAP (Name, Address, Phone Number) are consistent across the web.
  • Work to get positive online reviews: These elements are critical, according to Backlinko, as they significantly influence your local search rankings.
  • Use local keywords across your site: Doing so can enhance your on-page SEO as well. Focus on long-tail, localized phrases that might be used by someone while out and about or while using voice search. This approach can improve visibility in both Google’s Map Pack and organic search results.

Email and Social Media

Another category of eCommerce marketing strategies includes email and social media.

Participating on these platforms ensures you’re taking a comprehensive approach to reach and engage with your audience.

Here’s a quick look at what you can be doing in these areas:

StrategyDescriptionPotential ImpactDifficulty
Send Welcome EmailsGreet new subscribers with key info and offers.Increases engagement and loyalty.Easy
Email Product DiscountsOffer special discounts through email.Boosts sales and customer retention.Easy
Send an Email NewsletterRegular updates on products, news, and offers.Build relationships and repeat business.Moderate
Set Up Cart RecoveryEmail reminders for abandoned carts.Recovers lost sales, improves conversion.Moderate
Build a Social Media PresenceEngage with your audience on social networks.Enhances brand visibility and loyalty.Moderate
Create an Influencer Marketing CampaignCollaborate with influencers to promote products.Expands reach, builds trust.Hard
Use UGCEncourage and share user-generated content.Authentic engagement boosts credibility.Moderate

18. Invest in Top-of-the-Line Welcome Emails

Taking the time to create welcome emails is a valuable way to make customers feel wanted.

It’s your golden opportunity to make a stellar first impression, build initial trust, and set the stage for a relationship.

Welcome emails are not just a polite nod to your new subscribers. With engagement rates soaring above other types of marketing emails, welcome emails boast an impressive 86% higher open rate.

To truly capitalize on the benefits of welcome emails, send a series rather than a single email.

This series can gradually introduce your brand, offer value, and guide new subscribers through your product offerings.

To do this, you can:

  • Provide immediate acknowledgment: Send the first email after a new subscriber signs up. Thank them for joining and give a sneak peek of what they can expect from your brand​​.
  • Personalize every message: Use the information you have about your new subscriber to personalize the email. Inject your brand’s personality to stand out and create a memorable experience​​.
  • Tell a story: Share stories about your brand, products, or happy customers. Stories resonate with people and can help build a strong emotional connection​​.
  • Offer value: Consider including a welcome offer, like a discount code or exclusive content, to incentivize immediate engagement and potentially drive a first purchase​​.
  • Set expectations: Outline what subscribers can expect in future emails, including the types of content, offers, and frequency. Also, guide them on what actions they should take next, like exploring your product range or connecting with you on social media​​​​.

This welcome email from Bark & Bitter offers a great example of these principles in action:

bark & bitter

It starts with a fantastic logo, a catchy headline and welcome message, and an on-brand image.

Then it includes a promise of what’s to come and discount code:

bark & bitter 2

Every line in the copy is carrying its weight and drives the company message and offer home.

19. Email Product Discounts

Offering product discounts through email is a bit like sending a personalized invitation to an exclusive savings party.

They can make each subscriber feel like they’ve been handed a VIP pass to something special.

Here’s the lowdown on making those discount emails count.

  • Get personal with offers: Use what you know about your subscribers to send discounts that scream “I thought of you when I saw this!”
  • The VIP effect: Let your email list in on a little secret: they’re getting a deal no one else is. It makes being part of your list feel like a privilege, which, in turn, boosts sign-ups and engagement.
  • Say it like you mean it: Your message should be crystal clear. Put the spotlight on the discount and make sure the CTA is impossible to miss. Think of it as giving straightforward directions to the treasure chest.
  • Use urgency: Nothing nudges a customer like the gentle push of a ticking clock. Make your discounts time-sensitive to add a dash of urgency. It’s the difference between “I’ll check this out later” and “I need to grab this deal now!”

The snack company, Flings, puts this strategy into action. They sent out a 10% discount on their toaster pastries to people who signed up to receive offers:


20. Send Out a Regular Email Newsletter

Think of your newsletter as the cool monthly magazine your subscribers can’t wait to dive into.

From the latest industry news to insider peeks behind the scenes, your newsletter is the voice of your brand.

A few things to keep in mind when putting your newsletter together:

  • Mix up your content to keep things interesting. Throw in some how-tos, stories behind your products, or even a spotlight on team members or customers.
  • Share stories that pull back the curtain on your brand. Got an employee who just ran a marathon or a product that’s making waves? Here’s where you share those gems.
  • Engage with readers by inviting feedback or running polls. It’s like having a conversation rather than delivering a monologue.
  • Your newsletter’s look should match your brand’s vibe. Keep it clean and navigable. Remember, the prettier the package, the more eager they’ll be to open it.
  • Pick a schedule and stick to it: Find your rhythm, whether it’s weekly, bi-weekly, or monthly.

Coda sends out an email newsletter called The Docket that they describe as something akin to the staff’s pick shelf at a bookstore.

The Docket

It features content tailored to their audience, on a regular schedule, along with info on what’s trending on their site.

21. Set Up Cart Recovery

One effective eCommerce marketing strategy is setting up cart recovery.

Cart abandonment is a significant challenge in eCommerce. It’s where potential buyers add items to their cart but leave the website without completing the purchase.

Sending automated emails to customers who have abandoned their carts is a direct approach to cart recovery.

These emails can remind the customer of the items they left behind and can include a call to action (CTA) to return to their cart.

Personalizing them with the customer’s name and the specific items they considered can significantly increase the chances of recovering the sale.

WooCommerce Cart Abandonment Recovery

WooCommerce Cart Abandonment Recovery is a free plugin made by CartFlows. It captures email addresses and sends automated emails to customers who have abandoned their shopping carts.

To get started with this plugin, you can:

  • Install and activate the plugin.
  • Configure the initial settings, including email timing and content.
  • Customize the email templates provided to match your brand.
  • Set up tracking for abandoned carts to start recovering lost sales.

22. Build a Presence on Relevant Social Media Platforms

Building a presence on social media platforms like TikTok, Instagram, and Pinterest is another key eCommerce marketing strategy you should be using.

They offer unique opportunities to visually showcase products, engage with a wide audience, and drive traffic to your website:

  • TikTok: Provides short-form video content perfect for viral marketing and reaching a younger demographic.
  • Instagram: Allows for high-quality photo and video content, stories, and shoppable posts, making it ideal for brand storytelling and direct sales.

For instance, the clothing brand ASOS has a solid presence on Instagram with 14.8 million followers.


They make heavy use of videos in their feed, all with a similar color palette. The company also leans into social media trends.

Pinterest acts as a discovery engine for new products and ideas, perfect for driving long-term traffic through pins.

Which you choose to make a presence on will depend on your industry and audience.

23. Create an Influencer Marketing Campaign

Creating an influencer marketing campaign involves partnering with social media influencers to promote products.

The process takes time but it can be well-worth it.

Here’s how to get started:

  • Choose influencers whose audience aligns with your target market and whose content style complements your brand.
  • Collaborate on content creation that showcases your products authentically, leveraging the influencer’s creativity and audience trust.
  • Set clear campaign goals, such as increasing brand awareness or boosting sales, and track performance metrics to evaluate the campaign’s effectiveness.

Gymshark has done a good job of leveraging its relationships with influencers on TikTok, in particular.

Fitness influencer Brittany Lupton uses her platform to promote Gymshark clothing in her TikToks and offers her followers a coupon code.


This strategy can amplify your brand’s reach and credibility on social media platforms and help drive new traffic to your website.

24. Invest in User-Generated Content (UGC)

Investing in user-generated content (UGC) can amplify your brand’s impact.

UGC encompasses a wide range of content created by your customers, including videos, photos, reviews, and social media posts.

This type of content can dramatically boost your brand’s credibility, reach, and engagement without the hefty costs associated with traditional marketing methods.

UGC demonstrates authentic customer experiences. It’s a powerful tool for building trust and driving purchase decisions.

According to an EnTribe study, 83% of shoppers are more likely to buy a product after seeing it promoted through UGC.

Engaging with UGC on product pages can lift conversion rates by a staggering 91.4%.

To get an UGC campaign off the ground, you can:

  • Motivate customers to create and share content: Offering incentives, such as discounts or entry into contests can serve as great motivation.
  • Create a branded hashtag: Develop a unique hashtag for customers to use when posting content about your products. This not only makes it easier for you to track and curate UGC but also helps build a community around your brand​​.
  • Engage with and repurpose UGC: Show appreciation for customer contributions by liking, commenting on, and sharing their posts. Repurposing UGC can further personalize the shopping experience and highlight real customer satisfaction​​.
  • Diversify your content mix: Don’t limit yourself to one type of UGC. Encourage a mix of photos, videos, reviews, and social media mentions to provide potential buyers with a rich, multi-faceted view of your products in action​​.

Podcasts and Audio

Leveraging podcasts and audio content opens up a dynamic avenue for eCommerce brands to deepen audience engagement.

Here are a few options:

StrategyDescriptionPotential ImpactDifficulty
Promote on a PodcastAdvertise products or services on relevant podcasts.Can significantly increase brand visibility and reach targeted audiences.Moderate
Be Interviewed on PodcastsShare expertise and details about your business in podcast interviews.Builds credibility and personal connection with potential customers.Moderate
Create Exclusive Audio Content (for Alexa Skills, etc.)Develop interactive voice response content for smart devices.Engages users in a unique, hands-free way, enhancing brand experience.Hard

25. Promote on a Podcast

Promoting your eCommerce products on a podcast can leverage the influence and brand recognition, similar to influencer marketing.

Selective podcast advertising, involving host-read spots, can create a more personal connection between your brand and the podcast audience.

This approach is seen as more of an endorsement, generating better results than programmatic ads.

Choose podcasts that align contextually with your brand for effective placement.

Take the podcast, This Might Get Weird as an example. Hosts Grace Helbig and Mamrie Hart talk about life, so they have a HelloFresh promotion in the middle of some episodes.

this might get weird

The ad copy is typically a collaboration between the sponsor and the host, optimizing over time for effectiveness.

You can see this in action on pretty much every podcast with an audience.

To find a podcast to feature your ads, consider:

  • Searching podcast directories by category to find shows that align with your store.
  • Using podcast networks that aggregate shows with similar themes or audiences.
  • Reaching out to podcasters directly via social media or email with your proposal.

26. Be Interviewed on Podcasts

Appearing as a guest on podcasts relevant to your eCommerce niche can allow you to share your expertise, discuss products, and reach a wider audience.

This strategy can:

  • Enhance brand visibility
  • Establish credibility
  • Drive targeted traffic to your site.

Over time, this can lead to increased sales and customer engagement.

You’ll need to have built a reputation in your industry as an expert to land a podcast interview slot, but targeting those with smaller audiences can be a great way to start.

27. Create Exclusive Audio Content

Creating audio content or promotions for voice assistants like Amazon’s Alexa or Google Home is still another way to reach a broader audience.

This can include daily tips, flash briefings, or special promotions, making it easy for users to engage with your brand through their smart devices.

This approach taps into the growing use of voice search and smart home devices, offering a unique channel to reach potential customers in their daily routines.

You’ll need to learn how to create Alexa Skills or Google Assistant Actions, but the end result could be well worth the effort.

To get started with creating Alexa Skills, you’ll need to:

  • Get familiar with the Alexa Skills Kit (ASK).
  • Understand the basics of building voice interfaces and learn how to manage voice requests and responses.
  • Set up an Amazon developer account.
  • Experiment with skill templates and tutorials available in the Amazon developer portal to gain practical experience.

YouTube and Video

Exploring YouTube and video as a marketing strategy offers a dynamic way to visually engage your audience, enhance brand storytelling, and boost online visibility.

StrategyDescriptionPotential ImpactDifficulty
Create a Brand Introduction VideoDevelop a video that highlights your brand’s values, mission, and products.Enhances brand recognition and connects emotionally with viewers.Moderate
Host Live EventsOrganize real-time events like webinars or product launches.Boosts engagement and builds community around your brand.Moderate to Hard
Start a YouTube ChannelCreate a dedicated channel for sharing brand-related content.Increases visibility and establishes a loyal audience base.Moderate
Use YouTube ShoppingFeature your products directly in YouTube videos for purchase.Directly drives sales and simplifies the buying process for customers.Moderate to Hard

28. Create a Brand Introduction Video

Creating a brand introduction video is a powerful way to connect with your audience.

Use it to differentiate your brand, and articulate your mission and values in a memorable way.

A great example comes from BIC. The company best known for its lighters and pens, created an “our story” video to explain their values and overall mission statement.

You can craft a video like this for yourself fairly easily.

Yours should include:

  1. Personal introduction: Begin by introducing yourself (or your company). Share not just your name and your role, but also your motivations, values, and the driving force behind your brand.
  2. Brand story: Dive into the story of your brand. Explain how it started, its journey, and where it is now. Highlight your brand’s mission, vision, and the problems it solves. Incorporating your inspirations and passions can build trust and foster a deeper connection with your audience​​.
  3. Engagement and/or humor: Try to hook your audience within the first few seconds. Create a curiosity gap or incorporating humor can make your video more engaging. Laughter, in particular, can create a strong emotional bond with viewers, making your brand introduction memorable​​.
  4. Conciseness and clarity: Keep your video short and sweet, aiming for around two to three minutes. Make sure it’s directly to the point, conveying your message quickly without overcomplicating the narrative​​.
  5. Call to action: Conclude your video with a clear call to action. Direct your audience to the next steps, whether that’s visiting your website, following your social media, or checking out your products. This is a must for converting viewer interest into tangible engagement

To create a video, consider using a tool like simpleshow. It offers templates and guidance to streamline production.

You can even create a simple animation-based video using its AI builder.

29. Host Live Events for Your Following

The benefits of hosting live events, particularly in an eCommerce context, are substantial.

Live webinars or shopping events help build a human connection that’s hard to replicate in other formats.

This direct interaction can significantly boost engagement, making your brand feel more accessible and authentic.

A live format also allows for real-time Q&A sessions, making your content more interactive and personalized.

You can host video events on your own website or use social media platforms with built-in shopping capabilities.

To ensure your live event is successful, you can:

  • Promote your event across all channels to build anticipation.
  • Encourage audience interaction during the event to maintain engagement.
  • Offer exclusive deals during the live to incentivize immediate purchases.
  • Follow up post-event with a thank you message, event recap, and links to featured products.

30. Start a YouTube Channel for Your Brand

Creating your own YouTube channel for your online store opens up powerful promotional opportunities.

Use it to showcase products, share expertise, and connect with your audience through engaging video content.

This strategy not only enhances your online presence but also drives traffic, improves SEO, and increases customer engagement.

It’s a direct channel to:

  • Tell your brand’s story in your own words.
  • Demonstrate your products in action.
  • Provide valuable content that can convert viewers into loyal customers.

Take Morphe as an example. The makeup brand has a YouTube channel where they have tutorials, promotional campaigns, and other branded content.


31. Use YouTube as a Shopping Platform

Listing products on YouTube Shopping allows you to integrate your store’s catalog with your YouTube channel.

This makes it easier for viewers to discover and purchase products featured in videos. This feature transforms your video content into a shoppable experience.

Over time, this can increase sales by reducing the steps customers need to take from watching a video about a product to making a purchase.

It’s an innovative way to leverage video content for direct eCommerce benefits.

Popular YouTubers, Rhett & Link, have done this well, integrating their merch store directly into their channel.

rhett and link

Here’s how to get started with YouTube Shopping:

  • Ensure your YouTube and Google Merchant Center accounts are linked.
  • Enable the shopping features in your YouTube channel settings.
  • Create a product feed in Google Merchant Center.
  • Select the products you want to feature in your videos or live streams.
  • Use YouTube Studio to tag and manage featured products in your content.

Offsite eCommerce Marketing Strategies

Off-site eCommerce marketing strategies encompass methods that extend beyond your website.

They’re a varied lot but can still make a strategic punch.

Here’s what we’ll be discussing:

StrategyDescriptionPotential ImpactDifficulty
Text-based MarketingSending SMS or chat messages to promote products.Directly engages customers, high open rates.Moderate
List Products on MarketplacesSelling products on platforms like Amazon or Etsy.Expands reach; increases sales opportunities.Moderate
Become an InfluencerUsing personal or brand presence to influence purchases.Builds trust and drives sales through social proof.Hard
Use GamificationIncorporating game elements on the site for engagement.Enhances user experience, increases site interaction.Moderate to Hard

32. Send Exclusive Offers via Text

Sending exclusive offers via SMS is a powerful eCommerce marketing strategy. Doing it right can increase revenue, build brand loyalty, and improve customer engagement.

SMS marketing allows businesses to reach customers directly with personalized offers, resulting in high open and engagement rates.

Exclusive SMS offers can excite customers, encouraging purchases.

There are a number of tools available for reaching out to customers via opt-in based text.

TextSanity provides a comprehensive platform for SMS marketing campaigns.

It includes:

  • Drip campaigns
  • Keyword campaigns
  • Data collection tools for targeted messaging

Another option is Twilio, known for its robust API for SMS, offering flexibility in customizing SMS campaigns.

33. List Products on Marketplaces, Too

Listing your products on marketplaces alongside your own website can broaden your reach and tap into established customer bases.

Platforms like Amazon, eBay, Etsy, and Walmart Marketplace offer vast audiences actively searching for products.

By showcasing your items on these platforms, you can:

  • Leverage their search algorithms
  • Take advantage of the trust factor
  • Rely on logistical support to enhance visibility and sales

Each marketplace has its unique audience and rules.

Tailor your listings and marketing strategies to align with their specific requirements and maximize your products’ potential.

For WordPress users looking to expand online sales through marketplaces, check out WP-Lister for eBay and WP-Lister for Amazon.


They automate the listing process, sync inventory, and manage orders directly from your WordPress dashboard.

34. Become an Influencer in Your Own Right

Building a presence as a trusted expert in your field involves sharing content that addresses your audience’s needs and interests.

Engage with your community by:

  • Answering questions
  • Providing insights
  • Sharing tips related to your niche
  • Consistently posting educational content
  • Sharing how-to guides and industry trends
  • Collaborating with other experts through guest posts
  • Conducting joint webinars to expand your reach

Just don’t overextend yourself. Picking just a few platforms to build up a presence on at first is best.

Even answering questions on a site like Quora can help get your brand out there.

The key here is you’re offering the audience your expertise for free.

According to user BiohackerByAccident on a Reddit thread about eCommerce business strategies, “…providing useful content on your channel to show how much experience you have in your field,” is a great way to increase trust.

They then added, “[P]eople buy from people they trust and know, not some random company on the internet.”

Over time, this approach not only builds trust in your personal brand but also naturally enhances credibility.

Interested in using AI to bolster your eCommerce presence? Be sure to watch this video on the top 10 AI tools for eCommerce:

35. Use Gamification to Boost Engagement

Using gamification to boost engagement involves incorporating game-like elements into your website or marketing strategy.

Plugins like Spin Wheel for WooCommerce let visitors spin a wheel to win discounts. Quiz And Survey Master can be used to create engaging quizzes offering coupons or rewards for correct answers.

spin wheel for woocommerce

To start using Spin Wheel for WooCommerce:

  • Purchase and download the plugin.
  • Install and activate it in your WordPress dashboard.
  • Access the plugin’s settings to customize the wheel’s appearance, configure prizes, and set up conditions under which the spin wheel appears to users.
  • Configure options for discounts, free shipping, or other rewards as incentives for engagement.

These methods not only make the website visit memorable but also encourage repeat visits and increase the likelihood of conversions.

Adding an element of chance and achievement to the shopping or browsing experience is enticing to most people.

It’s a great way to keep visitors on the page!

How to Implement the Best Marketing Strategies with SureCart

SureCart simplifies implementing marketing strategies. It offers a straightforward setup process for selling products, including digital goods and subscriptions.

You can easily create customizable payment forms and automate post-purchase actions, integrating with various plugins or third-party apps.

For instance, to create coupons in SureCart, you can navigate to the dashboard where you’ll find options to configure various types of discounts and special offers.

create coupons in SureCart

The process involves specifying coupon details such as discount type (percentage or fixed amount), validity period, and applicable products or categories.

Or, you can set up abandoned cart recovery. You can configure automated email sequences that trigger when customers leave items in their cart without completing a purchase.

This feature is designed to re-engage potential buyers by reminding them of their uncompleted transactions and encouraging them to return to your site.

abandoned cart recovery discount

You also have the option to send out an automatic discount after a certain period of time following the cart abandonment.

Setting up proper payment options is important. The more options the better.

Learn how to add Apple Pay and Google Pay here:

If you need more ideas as to which WooCommerce addons to use to bulk up your eCommerce marketing, check out this top 10 video:

Boost Sales with Time-Tested eCommerce Marketing Strategies

Implementing eCommerce marketing strategies like those discussed here offer a multitude of ways to enhance your sales.

Having the right tools on deck matters a lot.

For a seamless execution of these strategies, consider using SureCart. It’s a powerful tool designed to streamline your eCommerce checkout processes and it’s well-worth a download.

eCommerce Marketing FAQs

Should I hire an in-house team or a marketing agency?

Choosing between an in-house team and a marketing agency depends on your budget, scale, and control preference. An in-house team offers deeper brand familiarity and direct oversight, while agencies bring diverse expertise and scalability, potentially at a higher cost.

How to make an eCommerce marketing plan

Creating an eCommerce marketing plan involves analyzing your market, setting clear objectives, defining your target audience, selecting the right channels and strategies, and measuring performance.

What are the 5 C’s of eCommerce marketing?

The 5 C’s of eCommerce marketing are Context, Content, Community, Customization, and Communication. This involves focusing on creating relevant experiences, engaging content, fostering community, personalizing offerings, and effectively communicating with your audience.

What are the 4 P’s of marketing in eCommerce?

The 4 P’s in eCommerce marketing include Product, Price, Place, and Promotion. They involve managing your online product offerings, pricing strategies, distribution channels, and promotional activities to attract and retain customers.

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