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Changing the Post Title’s Tag of the Related Post Section

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If you have enabled related posts on your Blog posts, you might have noticed that the Post Title’s Tag of the Related Post Section has the <h3> heading tag assigned by default.

You can modify this tag to any other HTML tag by adding a filter to the functions.php file of your Astra Child Theme. If you don’t have a Child Theme installed and activated on your website, please check this article on how to do this

How Can I Do This?

You can use the filter below to change the Post Title’s Tag of the Related Post Section to any other tag. Please follow these steps:

Step 1 – Navigate to Dashboard > Appearance > Theme Editor and select the Child Theme;

Step 2 – Add the filter below to the functions.php file of your Child Theme. You can check this article on adding code to your Child Theme to help you out;

add_filter( 'astra_related_post_title_tag', 'update_related_posts_title_tag' );
function update_related_posts_title_tag(){
    return 'span';

Step 3 – The span in the code above can be changed to any preferred tag. If you add return ‘h4’; , click the “Update File” button to apply changes. The filter will change the default <h3> tag to the <h4> tag.

Default Tag

Post Title’s Tag of the Related Post Section after adding the Filter

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