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LifterLMS Integration in Astra Pro

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This is a premium feature available with the Astra Pro Addon plugin. To use this, you must install the Astra theme with the Astra Pro Addon on your website.

Also, make sure that you have the LifterLMS plugin installed and activated.

If you don’t have Astra Pro, check the article that covers the integration in the free Astra theme.

Activate the LifterLMS addon from Astra > Dashboard.

This addon provides multiple design options, distraction-free checkout & learning, profile picture settings, and much more.

All the new LifterLMS options can be found in Appearance > Customize > LifterLMS.

Let’s explore some common features.

General Settings

The General settings in LifterLMS give you the power to manage the generic settings like columns, tab alignment, and checkout page options.

You can find it under Appearance > Customize > LifterLMS > General.

Course Columns

This option helps you to display several courses in a singular column on the course page.

Membership Columns

You decide to choose various memberships for the courses that you offer through the LifterLMS plugin.

Like the Course Columns options, you get to choose the column display on responsive devices.


Distraction-Free checkout

When you enable this option, the menu in the header and the 1st footer of the website disappear on the checkout page. The option of Distraction Free Checkout overrides the header and footer settings.

My Account

Display Tabs Vertically

When you enable this option, the tabs appear vertically on a personal account page.

On this page, all the applied courses, achievements, tags, order history, notifications, and the rest account details are visible.


You can manage the Course / Lesson page layout with this. You will find this setting under Appearance > Customise > LifterLMS > Course/Lesson

Student View

Enable Distraction Free Learning

When a student is taking lessons it’s always suggested to make him read, learn, watch, or listen with 100% attention without any diversions.

Various elements like the menu header, sidebar, and first footer widgets may form distractions. Therefore this option is best suggested to be enabled if the courses are to be learned well.

Enable Featured Image

This option helps you to showcase the featured images set for the course from the meta option

Enable Course Description

It allows you to display a description of the course on the page.

Enable Course Meta

It allows you to display course metadata like Course Categories, Course Tags, and Course Tracks.

Enable Instructor Detail

You can manage to show instructor details with this option.

Visitor View

Like student view, you can manage the following fields for the visitor view-

  • Enable Featured Image
  • Enable Course Description
  • Enable Course Meta
  • Enable Instructor Detail
  • Enable Syllabus

Header Option

Header Profile Link

To add a User Profile Link to your Header, navigate to Appearance > Customise > LifterLMS > General and click on the “Enable Header Profile Link” option.
This will show the user’s Profile Picture set for the LifterLMS account.

Theme Color set in Customizer inherited by LifterLMS elements:

  • Whatever color you set in the customizer applies by default to all the elements of LifterLMS.
  • Such as headings, text color, and link color.

Buttons Settings

The colors that you set to the button in the customizer under Appearance > Customise > Global > Buttons is applied to the buttons overall on LifterLMS.

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