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How to Fix “Sorry, You Are Not Allowed To Access This Page” Error In Astra Pro

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While trying to activate Astra Pro Addon, you may get a message “Sorry, you are not allowed to access this page”.

Why Is This Happening?

Seeing this message means that you’re being blocked due to some settings. Some of the reasons that can cause this are:

  1. Your Astra theme is not activated or updated.
  2. There is some issue with your Astra (parent) or Astra Child theme.
  3. Renaming or modifying Astra theme or Astra Pro plugin folders or files

How To Solve It?

If this happens, please try these steps:

  1. Please make sure that you have the base Astra theme activated and updated to the latest version.
  1. After activating the Astra Pro from the “Plugins” page, go to Astra > Dashboard and activate Astra Pro from here using your license.
  1. Deactivate the Astra theme, delete it, reinstall, and reactivate. Then, try activating the Astra Pro.
  1. If you’re using a child Theme, please try switching to an Astra (parent) theme and activate the Astra Pro.

If this doesn’t help, try enabling the debug log to see if there are any errors related to Astra Pro.

You can find out more about this issue and how to solve this in this article, or you can contact our support team.

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