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When it comes to social media distribution, there are a lot of channels to leverage in order to get your content in front of the right people. Each channel has its own unique strengths and weaknesses, and it’s important to understand which ones will work best for your business.

According to research conducted by Pew Research Center in 2021, 70% of those surveyed indicated they use at least some form of social media on occasion. This means that a large proportion of the public are active on social media — so if you’re not, you’re missing out.

This same Pew study showed overall social media use has slowed since 2019, but platforms like YouTube and Reddit display continued growth.

Other platforms may not show as much growth overall but do show sharp spikes in users when broken down by demographic data.

All of this is to say, social media is important.

Today we will discuss some of the most effective social media distribution channels currently available, and how you can use them to reach more customers and grow your business.

What are distribution channels and why are they important for businesses?

Distribution channels are the pathways that a product or service takes to reach its end user. They can include physical stores, online retailers, and digital channels such as social media.

These channels are important because they help businesses reach new customers and increase their visibility in the market.

How can social media be used as a distribution channel?

By using social media as part of your marketing efforts, you can increase visibility for your business and create sales opportunities.

Using social media to distribute content is becoming an increasingly popular way to reach a wide audience.

Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn and YouTube are some of the most popular platforms for content distribution.

Each of these channels offers unique opportunities to engage with customers and promote products or services.

For example, Facebook can be used to share content such as blog posts, product reviews or promotional videos.

Twitter is a great channel for real-time conversations and connecting with customers quickly.

Instagram is a visual platform that allows you to showcase beautiful photography and build relationships through content sharing.

Having a presence on each of these channels can help you reach more audiences and create opportunities for sales. It’s important to understand the strengths and weaknesses of each platform in order to take full advantage of them.

The bottom line is, social media distribution channels can be a powerful tool to reach new customers, engage with existing ones, and generate sales.

By understanding which channels are best for your business, you can use them effectively to maximize your reach.

What are some of the benefits of using social media as a distribution channel?

Social media distribution channels offer several key benefits for businesses.

These benefits include:

  • Help increase visibility and brand awareness by getting your content in front of more people.
  • Allows you to engage with customers in an authentic way and build relationships.
  • Help create sales opportunities by driving qualified leads to your website or store.

These are just some of the reasons why using social media as a distribution channel can be an effective way to reach more customers and grow your business.

What are some of the challenges of using social media as a distribution channel?

Using social media as a distribution channel can come with some challenges. For example, you will need to have an understanding of each platform’s policies and guidelines for advertising and promotion in order to make sure your content is compliant.

You will also have to monitor the performance of your campaigns closely and adjust them as needed.

It can also take time to build up an audience on these platforms, so you may have to be patient before seeing results from your efforts.

Social media distribution channels as of 2023

Now that we’ve discussed what distribution channels are and why social media can make such an effective one, let’s now turn our attention to the infographic below that provides details on several social media platforms that can serve as effective distribution channels for your content.

Here are the top-performing social media platforms that you can leverage.

1. Facebook


As a social channel, Facebook continues to be relevant as a platform for businesses. In fact, as of the third quarter of 2020, there were 10 million active advertisers on the platform.

However, its overall share dominance of the social market has declined steadily since 2019.

According to the Social Media Marketing Industry Report 2022, 13% of marketers surveyed indicated they would be decreasing their organic marketing on Facebook.

With a global user base of over 2.9 billion, Facebook is still an ideal platform for businesses looking to reach more customers and increase visibility.

Demographics and audience

Facebook users according to Statista

Facebook’s user base is of all ages and genders, making it an effective platform to reach a wide variety of people.

However, the majority of users are male and fall in the 25-34 age demographic with the majority of overall users falling between the ages of 18 and 54.

Best performing content types

Content types that work well on Facebook include: text posts, images, videos, articles and links to your website.

You can target customers by age, location, interests, and more.

Other important details about users

Facebook offers detailed analytics that give you insights into user engagement and performance of your posts.

This data can help you better understand who’s engaging with your content and what types of content they’re responding to best.

2. Twitter

Twitter logo

Twitter is a great option for distributing short form content such as news updates and product launches.

It’s the ideal platform for engaging with customers in real time and directing them to landing pages or products. It’s also great for real-time conversation and audience feedback.

Demographics and audience

Twitter has a user base of 211 million people as of Q2 2022, making it one of the largest social networks in terms of usage. The platform is most popular amongst adults aged 18-29 and sees a predominately male user base, which accounts for 61.6% of users as of 2021.

Some other important demographics to understand is that its user base continues to skew younger as each year passes.

Best performing content types

Tweets that include videos, images, and GIFs tend to perform the best at the moment. And you can really take advantage of the virality of your tweets by using the Twitter Feed that’s built into Ultimate Addons for Elementor.

Ultimate Addons for Elementor  Twitter Feed

By displaying your Twitter feed directly on your site, you can boost interaction and overall engagement with your content – both on your website itself and on the social network.

Other important details about users

Twitter makes it easy for users to discover content by using hashtags, which can help increase visibility and engagement.

Additionally, Twitter has a feature called “Moments” that allows users to curate collections of tweets into stories.

The platform currently is a bit up in the air in terms of stability as a viable social media distribution channel. It may be best to hold off on spending marketing funds here until the platform’s future is more clear.

3. LinkedIn


LinkedIn is the go-to platform for professionals and businesses looking to network and build meaningful connections. It’s also great for content promotion, recruiting, and job searches.

Demographics and audience

LinkedIn’s user base consists of all ages and genders, but is particularly popular amongst adults aged 25-34.

It currently has a fairly even split between males (52%) and females (48%) and currently has 875 million members as of 2022.

Though this social channel has a reputation geared toward older people, it’s actually overwhelmingly used by the Millennial cohort at the moment.

Best performing content types

Content such as articles, videos, and images work well on LinkedIn. The platform also encourages users to create long-form content such as case studies or research reports that can help engage a professional audience.

Other important details about users

Users can follow companies and influencers as well as join groups with similar interests. LinkedIn also offers insights into user engagement and performance metrics on their posts.

People here are generally B2B-focused and higher-earners, which means they have more budget to spend on your products or services.

4. YouTube


YouTube is the place to go if you’re looking to create and distribute video content. It’s also great for creating a loyal following of subscribers as well as driving traffic to your website or landing pages from your videos.

Demographics and audience

YouTube is a super popular platform, with over 2.68 billion logged-in users every month.

There are users in over 100 countries with representation for over 80 languages — which is a huge user base to tap into.

YouTube monthly users

An even more impressive statistic reveals that over 70% of Internet users also use YouTube across ages 15 through 55!

Usage across gender is pretty evenly split. And they use YouTube for an average of 30 minutes per day.

Proportion of Internet users using YouTube

Best performing content types

Video content is what YouTube supports, of course. The sheer amount of content presented here is mind-blowing. Users watch more than one billion hours of video every day!

You can also post text in the video description, create image slideshows in your videos, and post links in your videos and in the description as well to engage viewers.

Our very own Presto Player plugin can help with all these things.

While standard videos dominate on the platform, YouTube Shorts are gaining in prominence. You’ll often find people posting their TikToks and Instagram Reels as Shorts here.

Other important details about users

YouTube also offers analytics on user engagement and performance metrics for each video uploaded.

People can also comment, like, and share videos as well as subscribe to channels to be notified when new content is posted.

5. Instagram


Instagram is a great platform for visually engaging content, including images, videos and stories. It’s ideal for showcasing products, services, or lifestyles as well as building relationships with customers.

Lifestyle is the operative word for how the platform is used and what kinds of content do best here.

Demographics and audience

With over 2 billion monthly active users as of December 2021, Instagram is another platform that’s primed as a distribution channel.

The age-range of users worldwide is largely dominated by those between 18 and 34, making up a collective 61.9% of the total user base as of April 2022.

Instagram user age distribution

Gender distribution is fairly even as well and it’s widely regarded as a top platform for the Millennial and Gen-Z age groups.

Best performing content types

Photos and videos both do well on this platform. You can also use hashtags to increase visibility and engagement with your posts.

As of 2024, the best performing type of content on Instagram are Stories and Reels.

Many users find success cross-posting video content from TikTok to Instagram Reels (as well as YouTube Shorts).

Ultimate Addons for Elementor would serve you well for integrating your Instagram feed on your site as well.

Ultimate Addons for Elementor - Instagram Feed

After a speedy installation process, you can adjust your feed’s layout and overall presentation to integrate better with your brand and to allow your social content to serve double duty.

Other important details about users

Instagram has actually become a well-regarded shopping hub in the past few years.

Integrated product listings with external links can help to drive sales to your website and users are more than willing to click through if they see something that interests them.

6. TikTok


TikTok is a social platform for creating and sharing short videos. It’s great for creating viral content as well as building brand awareness and increasing engagement with your audience.

As a distribution channel, it can be used to showcase products or services in a fun and creative way.

Demographics and audience

The majority of TikTok users — 25% — are aged 10-19, making it a popular platform amongst younger generations like Gen-Alpha and Gen-Z.

There’s equal distribution across 20-49 year olds, making up about 60% of the total user share collectively.

Most users are female and average usage time is over an hour per day.

Best performing content types

Videos, especially short ones, are the most popular type of content on TikTok. Users can also post images in a slideshow format.

You can make your content more discoverable by using popular hashtags on your content, by using popular sounds, and by participating in viral trends.

Other important details about users

Users will engage with your content on TikTok by liking, commenting, and sharing your videos.

You can also gain followers by participating in challenges and by collaborating with other popular users on the platform. This is a great way to increase brand visibility and boost engagement.

You’re provided with other features as well like the ability to “Stitch” videos — use a snippet of someone’s video that you then add your own context or additional content to — and “Duet” videos — collaborate with someone else’s video by adding yours next to the original creator’s video in a side-by-side arrangement.

7. Snapchat


Snapchat is another great platform for visually engaging content. It’s ideal for creating short-form videos and images as well as building relationships with customers and followers.

Demographics and audience

Snapchat is a popular platform amongst younger generations. Specifically, 48% were between the ages of 15 and 25 as of 2020.

Likewise, a recent study conducted in April 2022 showed that nearly 53% of users were female while 46% were male.

Snapchat growth in 2022

This social network is not as popular as other video-focused platforms like Instagram and TikTok but it still has 365 million daily active users worldwide and has shown steady growth since 2019.

Best performing content types

Video and images are the most popular type of content on Snapchat. You can also use filters, GIFs, and stickers to help your content stand out.

Short videos typically perform well on the platform and you can also use Snapchat’s “Discover” feature to get content seen by more people.

Other important details about users

Snapchat is a great platform to use for storytelling, offering the ability to create interactive stories and experiences.

You can also use it to conduct polls and surveys to engage with your customers or use sponsored lenses or filters to extend the reach of your content.

8. Pinterest


Pinterest is a great platform for visually engaging content, including images and videos.

It’s a good choice for displaying products and services and building a community around your brand. People can create boards containing a variety of pins, which are then shared and viewed by other users.

Demographics and audience

As of Q3 2022, Pinterest currently has 445 million users each month. The majority of Pinterest users are aged 18-29, 30-49, and 50-64, comprising 32%, 34%, and 38% of the platform’s user base, respectively.

Pinterest users are overwhelmingly female, making up 78% of users.

Best performing content types

Images, videos, and GIFs are the most popular types of content on Pinterest. You can also use hashtags and boards to help your content be discovered by more people.

Other important details about users

A lot of people use Pinterest as a way to research products. In fact, it has a heavy shopping focus, so it’s great for product promotion.

It also has an incredibly dedicated user base who visit the site daily, so if your company’s goals line up with this social channel, it could prove to be quite profitable.

9. Reddit


Reddit is a social platform for creating and sharing content, discussions, and conversations.

It’s great for building relationships with customers and followers as well as driving traffic to your website from its communities.

Demographics and audience

According to Pew Research Center, 18% of those surveyed said they used Reddit at least on occasion. The most active age group with a Reddit presence is those between 18 and 29.

36% of those surveyed in this age range indicated they use this social channel. More men than women participate as well at a ratio of 2-to-1.

Usage of online platforms according to Pew Research Center

Best performing content types

Text, images, and links are the most popular types of content on Reddit. You can also use subreddits to increase visibility and engagement with your posts.

It’s not generally a good idea to post something publicizing yourself or your product then leaving. It’s a much better practice to join conversations and participate in discussions.

Other important details about users

Reddit has a karma system, which is essentially an upvote/downvote system that measures the quality of your posts on the platform.

It’s important to focus on providing value with your content so you can gain trust from other users and earn more karma points.

It’s also always a good idea to read the rules of each subreddit before you post anything.

10. Quora


Quora is a platform for asking questions and getting answers from experts in various fields.

It’s great for engaging with customers, finding influential people in your industry, or collecting valuable market research.

Demographics and audience

As of 2022, Quora has 300 million monthly active users, so it’s not the most popular platform but still brings in a significant enough audience that posting there may serve you well.

Best performing content types

Text is the most popular type of content on Quora. You can also use topics and hashtags to help your content be discovered by more users.

Most professionals will answer questions posted to Quora in their niche as a way of boosting their personal brand.

Other important details about users

Quora is great for researching and finding authoritative answers on a variety of topics. It has a growing user base, so it’s an excellent platform to engage with potential customers and build relationships.

This social channel is also great for researching customer pain points and learning more about what people are looking for from your industry.

11. WhatsApp


WhatsApp is a popular messaging app that’s used to communicate with friends, family, and companies.

It’s particularly useful for customer support and notifications, as well as building relationships with customers.

Demographics and audience

As of 2019, there were over 2 billion WhatsApp users worldwide. It has high ad-reach potential because of its robust user base, which has increased steadily each year for some time now.

It’s available in 180 countries in 60 different languages and the app is currently most popular in India.

WhatsApp user base from Pew Research Center and MarketingCharts

The majority of WhatsApp users are between the ages of 30 and 49 – 30% of users fall within this range according to Pew Research Center.

This group is closely followed by the 18 to 29 year olds who make up 24% of the app’s market share.

Best performing content types

The main type of content you’ll find on WhatsApp is text-based, however images and videos are also popular. You can also create custom stickers and GIFs to share with your contacts.

Other important details about users

WhatsApp is a powerful tool that can help you support your customers, send them automated messages and reminders, and build strong relationships.

When utilized properly, WhatsApp makes your customers feel valued and excited about your brand – helping you to keep them engaged long term.

12. WeChat


WeChat — or Weixin in China — is a messaging app and social media platform that combines content sharing, payments, and customer service. It’s often used by companies in the Asian market to reach customers and build relationships.

Demographics and audience

As of 2021, there were over 1.3 billion WeChat users around the world.

The majority of WeChat’s users are in China — two-thirds, in fact — where it is the most popular app and used to communicate, shop online, and share content.

The majority of WeChat users are male, taking up 64% of its user base and the app is most popular with those over the age of 50.

61% of users surveyed over the age of 60 use most of their mobile data on WeChat.

Best performing content types

The content posted to WeChat varies widely in format, but text, images, and videos are some of the most popular.

You can also post audio recordings, documents, and even animations to the platform as well as subscription-based articles.

Other important details about users

WeChat is the perfect platform to develop closer relationships with customers, as well as to build brand awareness.

You’re not limited to posting content–you can also set up automated notifications for things like discounts or new products.

And if you need to accept payments, WeChat has got you covered there too. Plus, it allows you to host mini-programs which are a fantastic way of boosting user engagement and interaction with your brand.

13. Telegram


Telegram is a messaging app and social media platform that shares similarities with WhatsApp, but also offers additional features for users.

It’s particularly popular in countries such as Russia, Turkey, and Brazil and is used by businesses of all sizes for marketing purposes.

Demographics and audience

Telegram has 550 million users as of 2021, with this number growing consistently each year since 2014. Its current user base is predominantly male who make up 58% of total users.

The platform is most popular in India. The app has been downloaded 220 million times there, which accounts for 22% of all downloads.

It’s also popular in Russia, which accounts for 10% of downloads.

Best performing content types

The main types of content you’ll find on Telegram are text-based, however images and videos (including live streams) are also popular.

You can also create custom stickers and GIFs to share with your contacts.

Other important details about users

Telegram is a great platform for sharing content with a large audience, due to its ability to support numerous users on one channel. You can also set up private channels and chats for more targeted communication.

Social media is a great distribution channel for all types of content and can help to increase visibility, engagement and reach.

Using multiple social media platforms and understanding the different demographics, content types, and other important characteristics of each can help you create a successful distribution strategy.

Establishing your social media goals

So now you know some of the most popular social platforms you can use — but what can you do with them, exactly?

Coming up with some goals for what you’d like to accomplish with social media is a great way to ensure your efforts achieve the desired results.

Your goals should be specific and measurable, such as increasing the number of followers or improving engagement with content.

Setting up metrics around these goals so that you can track and measure progress over time is a good idea, too.

By setting up social media goals, you can make sure your content is reaching the right audience and that you’re getting the most out of your efforts. Doing so will help you maximize ROI and get more value from your distribution channels.

While your goals will obviously be individual, here are a few examples:

  • Increase website traffic by X%
  • Increase conversions by X%
  • Reach X new followers
  • Improve engagement with content by X%
  • Increase brand awareness and recognition

With the right social media goals in place, you can use distribution channels effectively to reach more customers and generate sales.

How to select a social media distribution channel to serve your goals

Once you’ve established your social media goals, the next step is to select the right platforms for distribution.

The best way to do this is to take an honest look at your target audience and what type of content they’re likely to engage with.

This will help you determine which platforms are most likely to yield the results you’re looking for.

For example, if your target audience is mostly Millennials and Gen Zers, then platforms like Instagram and TikTok may be a better fit than WhatsApp or Twitter.

On the other hand, if your content is more professional in nature, then LinkedIn might be the right choice.

If you plan on making mostly video-based content, you should prioritize platforms that push video content the most over those that are generally message or text-based.

The key is to do your research and take the time to find out what each platform offers and who makes the most use of each.

You can then ensure you select the one that will be most effective in reaching your target audience.

Start using social media as a distribution channel

Using social media as a distribution channel can be an effective way to reach more customers and grow your business.

By setting up goals, selecting the right platforms, and monitoring results closely, you can ensure that your efforts are yielding the desired results.

But before you can do any of that, you need to select the right platform(s) to flesh out this distribution channel. Only then can you ensure you’re getting your content in front of the right people.

And if you need a solid WordPress theme to use for your business website, you might wish to consider Astra.

Our comprehensive theme is lightweight, speed-optimized, and ready to serve as the foundation of your next business venture – no matter social media distribution channels you wind up using.

So don’t wait any longer — get started using social media as a distribution channel today! Good luck!

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