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Why wordpress websites get hacked

WordPress is incredibly popular. There’s no getting around that fact.

As of 2022, WordPress currently has 64.3% of the market share of websites that have an identifiable CMS, according to W3Techs.

WordPress is especially vulnerable to malicious attacks not because it’s insecure but because it’s so popular.

But just like Spiderman said, “with great power comes great responsibility,” similar could be said of WordPress. That is, “with great popularity comes a huge increase in hacking attempts.”

Now, don’t let that get you down.

Yes, WordPress is on the receiving end of more hacking attempts than other CMS. But it’s still a great platform to use.

It really only takes implementing a few simple solutions to protect your website from the vast majority of attacks.

In this article, we will explore the most common reasons WordPress websites get hacked and how to fix these vulnerabilities quickly.

Why do people hack websites in the first place?

Broadly speaking, there are four reasons someone might want to hack into your WordPress website:

Sucuri hack stats
  1. To insert malicious code or content that can harm your visitors in some way. This is known as a “malicious attack.” These malware attacks account for about 64% of WordPress hacks, according to Sucuri Security.
  2. To use your website’s resources for their own purposes. For example, to help as part of a botnet in a “denial of service” or “DDoS” attack.
  3. To use cross-site scripting. This works by getting someone to load websites that have insecure JavaScript on them. These scripts then steal browser data andmake up about 54% of WordPress security vulnerabilities as of 2022, according to iThemes.
  4. To hijack your website for use in a phishing scheme. In other words, to trick your visitors into giving away personal information like passwords or credit card numbers.

The end goal of all of these methods is almost always to steal information. This information is used to steal a person’s identity or to steal money.

Thankfully, with just a few simple solutions, you can protect your website from most hackers.

22 reasons WordPress websites get hacked frequently and how to fix them

So you definitely want to use WordPress but you’d like to avoid the possibility of being hacked. Sounds about right?

You’re in luck!

We’ve put together 22 different reasons WordPress websites in particular get hacked.

We also show you what you can do about it and how to defend your website as much as humanly possible.

1. WordPress is easy to exploit


Topping our list here today is the fact that WordPress is just easy to exploit. Because WordPress is open-source, anyone can view the code. So, once a vulnerability is found, it’s out there for everyone to see and potentially exploit.

How to fix it:

While you can’t do anything about the fact that WordPress is a target, you can take measures to make sure that your website is as secure as possible.

We’ll talk more about how to do that later on in this article but, for now, just know that it’s important to keep your WordPress installation up-to-date, to use strong passwords, and to install a security plugin.

2. WordPress is super popular

As we just discussed earlier, WordPress is one of the most popular content management systems in the world.

Unfortunately, that means that it’s also a prime target for hackers.

They know that if they can invest the time in finding a vulnerability in WordPress, they’ll be able to exploit a lot of websites with that same vulnerability.

How to fix it:

The best way to combat this is by keeping your WordPress installation, themes and plugins up to date.

When a new security patch is released for WordPress, it’s important to update your website as soon as possible. That way, you can be sure that you’re less susceptible to any of the known vulnerabilities.

But more on that in just a bit.

3. WordPress sites often lack basic security measures

Many WordPress users don’t take the necessary steps to secure their websites. That’s just a fact.

Now, they might not realize how easy it is to do or they might not think that their website is a target.

But, the truth is, even a small website can be a target for hackers. If you don’t take the necessary steps to secure your website, it will be an easy target.

How to fix it

The first step is to educate yourself about the basic security measures you should take to secure your WordPress website.

For some, this will mean installing a security plugin. For others, that’ll mean embarking on a hardening protocol.

The good news is, this post covers most of what you’ll need to know.

4. WordPress websites are often hosted on shared servers

Another reason that WordPress websites are vulnerable to hacking attempts is because they’re often hosted on shared servers.

Many website owners don’t realize that the server their website is hosted on can have a big impact on their website’s security.

If the server your website is hosted on isn’t properly secured, it can leave your website open to attack.

How to fix it

The first step is to make sure that you’re using a reputable hosting company.

Do some research and read reviews to find a hosting company that takes security seriously. We’re particularly fond of SiteGround, DreamHost, and Hostinger.


Once you’ve found a good hosting company, make sure that your website is hosted on a secure server.

5. Bad passwords (and not forcing strong ones) without two-factor authentication

We’ve all heard it a million times but it bears repeating: one of the simplest ways to protect your WordPress website is to use strong passwords.

A lot of WordPress website owners don’t take this advice and they use weak passwords that are easy to guess.

Even worse, some WordPress users don’t force their users to use strong passwords with two-factor authentication as well. This makes brute force attacks all the more likely.

How to fix it

Changing your password to something harder to guess is step one.

Your password should be at least 8 characters long and it should include a mix of uppercase and lowercase letters, numbers, and symbols.

If you’re not sure how to create a strong password, you can use a password generator to create one for you.


A few good options include:

Once you have a strong password, the next step is to make sure your users are using strong passwords as well.

You can do this by forcing them to use strong passwords when they create an account.

To do this, you’ll need to install a security plugin. Password Policy Manager is a good, free option.

Password policy manager

Install and activate this plugin as you would any other, then click miniOrange Password Policy in the WordPress dashboard.

From here, you can set up your password rules.

Select the required number of characters and decide if you’d like to force users to use upper and lowercase letters, numbers and special characters.

6. No hardening measures

Another common security mistake that WordPress website owners make is not taking any hardening measures.

Hardening measures are steps you can take to make your WordPress website more secure. They’re often simple things that you can do, like changing the default database prefix or removing the readme file.

But, even though they’re simple, they can make a big difference in the security of your website.

How to fix it

WordPress hardening can take several forms. But, one of the simplest things you can do is to change the default database prefix.

Connect to your WordPress site via your favorite FTP client, then add the following line to your wp-config.php file:

$table_prefix = 'wp_';

Another simple hardening measure you can take is to remove the readme file. You can do this by deleting the readme.html file from your WordPress directory.

One of the best ways to implement a full range of hardening practices is to install a security plugin, which leads us to our next point.

We have a post dedicated to customizing the wp-config file here.

7. No security plugin

One of the most important things you can do to secure your WordPress website is to install a security plugin.

A security plugin will add an extra layer of protection to your website and it can help you to quickly fix any security issues that arise.

And the best part is a plugin like this is relatively hands-off – just set it up and your site is protected.

How to fix it:

The first step is to find a good security plugin for your WordPress website. There are a lot of great options out there.

Here are a few top performers:

Sucuri Security

Sucuri Security

This plugin is a great option for WordPress website owners who are looking for a comprehensive security solution.

It includes features like malware scanning, blacklist monitoring, and remote malware removal.



Another great option is MalCare. It provides a full range of security features, including full site scanning, a real-time firewall, and malware removal tools. It also offers these site protection features without compromising website speed.

Once you’ve chosen a plugin, install it and configure it according to the plugin’s instructions.

8. Incorrect file permissions

Another common security mistake that WordPress website owners make is not setting the correct file permissions.

File permissions determine who can read, write, and execute a file. If they’re not set correctly, it can leave your WordPress website vulnerable to attack.

How to fix it

The first step is to connect to your WordPress website using an FTP client.

Once you’re connected, take a look at the permissions for the following files and directories:

  • wp-admin
  • wp-includes
  • wp-content

These files and directories should have a permission of 755.

The numbers denote the actual permissions:

  • 3 = (2 + 1) = Write + Execute
  • 5 = (4 + 1) = Read + Execute
  • 6 = (4 + 2) = Read + Write
  • 7 = (4 + 2 + 1) = Read + Write + Execute

So 755 gives read + write + execute to anyone who is a registered user. That’s not ideal.

Next, take a look at the permissions for the following files:

  • index.php
  • wp-login.php
  • wp-blog-header.php

These files should have a permission of 644.

Learn more about file permissions here.

9. Too many users with admin privileges

Giving too many users admin privileges is another crucial security mistake that can put your site at risk.

Admin privileges give a user complete control over a WordPress website. If a user account with admin privileges gets hacked, it can leave your entire website vulnerable.

How to fix it

Ensure all users on your site only have the permissions level that’s required to complete their job effectively. That’s where user roles come in.

A one-time contributor does not need to be an administrator. Instead, select Contributor or Writer when creating their account.

If you need to adjust the user role of an existing user, simply go to Users > All Users in the WordPress dashboard then click the user’s name you’d like to make changes to.

Scroll down until you see a dropdown menu next to Role. Click it and select the appropriate user role for this user.

When done making changes, scroll down to the bottom of the page and click Update User.

Learn more about WordPress user roles.

10. Not using activity logs

Keeping an activity log is one of the best ways to monitor your WordPress website for suspicious activity.

An activity log will track every change that is made to your WordPress website. And, if something suspicious does happen, you’ll be able to quickly identify it and take action.

So, you can see how if you’re not keeping an eye on their website, you could be missing important security threats.

How to fix it

The first step is to find a good activity log plugin for your WordPress website.

There are a few great options out there, but one of the best is the WP Activity Log plugin.

WP Activity Log

Once you’ve installed and activated the plugin, it will start tracking every change that is made to your WordPress website, which makes it much easier to see when something malicious is going on.

11. Outdated WordPress core files

One of the most important things you can do to keep your WordPress website secure is to make sure core files are always up to date.

WordPress releases new versions of its software regularly. Each new release includes security fixes for any known vulnerabilities.

WordPress updates

If you’re not running the latest version of WordPress, your website could be vulnerable to attack.

How to fix it

The easiest way to update your WordPress core files is to login to your WordPress dashboard and then click on the Updates link at the top of the screen.

If there are any updates available, you’ll see a message saying that there is a new version of WordPress available.

Click on the Update Now button to update your WordPress files. We always recommend backing up your site before updating, just in case.

12. Outdated themes and plugins

In addition to keeping your WordPress core files up to date, you also need to make sure that your themes and plugins are always up to date.

Like WordPress Core, themes and plugins are regularly updated to fix security vulnerabilities as well as add new features.

If you’re using an outdated theme or plugin, your website could be at risk.

How to fix it

Login to your WordPress dashboard and then click on the Updates link in the left-hand sidebar.

If there are any updates available for your themes or plugins, you’ll see a message saying that there is a new version available.

13. Poorly coded themes and plugins

Sometimes, no amount of updates can fix an issue with a plugin or theme. You have to be careful about which themes and plugins you’re using in the first place.

Some themes and plugins are poorly coded and can introduce security vulnerabilities to your WordPress website.

How to fix it

To avoid this, only download themes and plugins from reputable sources. The best place to find reputable themes and plugins is the theme and plugin directories.

You can also access them from highly-regarded developers in the industry like us here at Brainstorm Force.

If you aren’t sure about the reputation of the developer behind any plugins or themes you’re using, it might be best to find an alternative.

We actually offer numerous recommendations for plugins you may wish to check out.

14. Failing to delete unused themes and plugins

Another vulnerability is having too many plugins or themes installed.

If any unused themes and plugins have security vulnerabilities, your website could be at risk. This is even more likely when you’re not using them, as you’re less likely to perform updates.

How to fix it

Go through all of the themes and plugins you have installed on your WordPress website. If there are any that you’re not using, delete them.

This keeps your database tidy too, so has other benefits!

15. No backups

No matter how well you secure your WordPress website, there’s always a chance that something could go wrong.

For example, you could accidentally delete important files or your website could get hacked.

If something like this happens and you don’t have a backup of your website, you could lose all of your content.

That’s why it’s important to create regular backups of your WordPress website. That way, if something does go wrong, you can restore your website.

How to fix it

There are many WordPress plugins that can help you create backups of your website. Popular options include:



UpdraftPlus is one of the most popular WordPress plugins for creating backups. It allows you to create backups of your website’s files, databases, and plugins.

You can then restore your website from these backups if something goes wrong.

UpdraftPlus also has a number of other features, including the ability to automatically backup your website on a schedule.



You can also use a managed WordPress hosting option that includes regular backups as a part of its service. Kinsta is our favorite option that offers this.

We recommend having your own backup mechanism in place regardless of whether you use hosted backups or not. You can never be too careful!

16. Limited access to WordPress files

Another security risk of using shared WordPress hosting is that you might not have full access to your WordPress files.

Some hosting providers limit the amount of access their customers have to their WordPress files. This can make it difficult to properly secure your website.

How to fix it

The best way to avoid this issue is to use a WordPress hosting provider that gives you full access to your WordPress files.

17. Not using a firewall

A firewall is a piece of software that helps to protect your website from attacks. It does this by blocking incoming traffic that it considers to be malicious.

If you’re not using a firewall on your WordPress website, it’s more vulnerable to attack.

How to fix it

There are many WordPress plugins that can help you add a firewall to your website.

Popular options include:

Some options are free, others premium. We suggest reading reviews and checking out the features to make a decision.

18. Prime target of DDoS attacks

WordPress websites are often the target of DDoS attacks.

DDoS attacks are a type of attack where the attacker tries to overload your server with traffic in order to take your website offline.

If you’re not prepared for a DDoS attack, it can take your website offline for a period of time.

How to fix it

The best way to protect your WordPress website from DDoS attacks is to use a WordPress hosting provider that offers DDoS protection or a CDN like Cloudflare.

19. Prime target for cross-site scripting (XSS) attacks

Cross-site scripting (XSS) attacks are a type of attack where the attacker tries to inject malicious code into your website.

If successful, this code can then be used to steal information from your website’s visitors.

How to fix it

The best way to protect your WordPress website from XSS attacks is to use a WordPress security plugin that includes XSS protection.

You can learn more about XSS and the threat it poses here.

Prevent XSS Vulnerability plugin

Prevent XSS Vulnerability is a great, straightforward option for this task.

20. Prime target for malware injection

Malware is a type of software that is designed to damage or disable your website.

It can be injected into your website in a number of ways, including through insecure plugins and themes.

If your website is infected with malware, it can be difficult to remove. And in some cases, it might be necessary to completely rebuild your website.

How to fix it

The best way to protect your WordPress website from malware is to use a WordPress security plugin that includes malware scanning and removal. MalCare, specifically, is ideal for this.

21. Insecure contact forms

Contact forms are a common feature of WordPress websites and are often used to collect sensitive information, like credit card numbers and home addresses.

If your contact forms are not properly secured, this information can be stolen by hackers.

How to fix it

Your site needs to have an SSL certificate in order for it to process sensitive information through contact forms properly. Once you have that, you can use a WordPress security plugin to help secure your contact forms as well.

Here is some more information on creating secure contact forms.

22. Unsecured login page

The login page is one of the most important pages on your WordPress website. It’s also one of the most vulnerable.

If your login page is not properly secured, hackers can gain access to your website by guessing your username and password.

How to fix it

You can make your site’s login more secure by actually moving its URL. This way, it’s not as easy for hackers to find. You can do this by using a WordPress security plugin or by adding a few lines of code to your site’s .htaccess file.

Once connected to your site via FTP, navigate to the /wp-content/ directory. Within this directory, look for a file called .htaccess. If you don’t see it, make sure that your FTP client is configured to show hidden files.

Add the following code to the top of your .htaccess file:

RewriteEngine On

RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} ^(.*)?wp-login\.php(.*)$

RewriteRule ^(.*)$ –

Save your changes and upload the file back to your server.

We have an entire post dedicated to your WordPress login page right here.

Protect your WordPress site from hacking attempts and enjoy site security

In this article, we have listed 22 ways that WordPress can be hacked. We have also provided tips on how to fix these vulnerabilities.

If you follow these tips, you can help protect your WordPress website from hacking attempts. And you can enjoy peace of mind knowing that your site is secure!

Good luck!

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