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Team Astra
January 19, 2023

Astra 4.0.2 Updates


  • Filter ‘astra_single_banner_post_meta’ for single post meta markup has been deprecated instead use ‘astra_single_post_meta’.


  • get_option database call increase page loads for fetching theme options.
  • exclude_from_search query parameter removed from get_post_types list to get CPTs under Customizer > Custom Post Types section, case of CartFlows Step custom post type.
  • Archive – Title area 2 – Archive type title gets added as prefix on archive pages.
  • Text transformed to ‘capitalize’ for single post titles & archive titles after 4.0.0.
  • Single Post – “Read Time” option missing from metadata.
  • Comment form fields should be stack on responsive devices.
  • iframe breaks out of parent container on responsive devices.
  • UI glitch typography input box control on Firefox browser.
  • Multiple times fetching custom post types list callback executes for dynamic customizer.
  • Theme preview showing title area on the banner section for the homepage.
  • Importing wp-starter-content template on fresh setup overriding the existing site title.
  • Dynamic customizer – Single-archive section titles and taxonomy meta names getting by its slug name instead of title.
  • Admin dashboard’s Site Identity quick setting link redirecting to Header Builder > Logo section instead of redirecting to Site Identity section.
Team Astra Profile Pic
Team Astra
January 13, 2023

Astra 4.0.1 Updates


  • Introducing filter ‘astra_dynamic_get_post_types_query_args’ for getting post types list to load further dynamic sections in customizer.


  • Header Builder – Visibility control options missing from header sections & respective element sections.
  • Header Builder – Header or the elements on the frontend gets hide directly if previously back in past it got disabled temporary.
  • Header Builder – Account – PHP error E_PARSE gives syntax error for customizer configurations.
  • Smooth scroll to ID – Navigation hash link which redirect to other page’s section is not clickable.
  • Archive type title gets added as prefix on archive pages.
Team Astra Profile Pic
Team Astra
January 12, 2023

Astra Pro 4.0.0 Updates


  • Redesigned the entire admin area with better user experience. ( )
  • Redesigned the entire mega menu area with better user experience. ( )
  • White Label – Agency icon field for re-branding software.
  • Introduced admin bar quick links for easy navigation to edit Custom Layout & Page Header posts.
  • Nav Menu – Custom icon & position support for mega menu items.
  • Nav Menu – Enhanced options to customize the color and the background inside the mega menu.
  • Nav Menu – Introducing divider color and styles for mega menu items.


  • Sidebar design tab in customizer does not show up when Colors & Background is disabled.
  • Custom Layout – Specific selection rule not working correctly if multiple specific selections added in rule engine.
  • WooCommerce – Shop – Content inside filter clipping when filter accordion is enabled.
  • Single post – Top-Bottom inside container spacing is not work on mobile devices.
  • Header Builder – Menu – Dropdown Menu on mobile device is not scrollable when Sticky Header is activated.
  • PHP error when bsf-analytics data submitted for breadcrumb-position.
  • Site title and tagline not displaying on Sticky Header after uploading different logo for sticky header.
  • Blog/Archive – Enable/disable for Blog title & post meta does not work for blog layout 2 & 3.
  • Scroll to top trigger position gets misaligned with padded layout.
  • Sticky Header – Due to assigned custom margin to header, it gets misaligned.
  • WooCommerce – Product catalog filter is not showing properly on mobile devices when modern layout is active.
  • When WPML Multilingual CMS plugin is active custom Page Headers are not visible/working.
  • WooCommerce – Variable product is not working with quick view.
  • WooCommerce – Product gallery is not working in quick view.
  • WooCommerce – Getting console error on product category pages when infinite scroll pagination-type is selected.
  • Header Builder – Account – Text font family not working on the frontend.
  • Custom Layout – Nested custom layouts not working on the frontend.
Team Astra Profile Pic
Team Astra
January 12, 2023

Astra 4.0.0 Updates



  • Moved Scroll to Top pro extension from addon to theme. ( )
  • Redesigned customizer typography control’s UI for better experience.
  • Customizer typography & color defaults updated to get better UI experience for fresh setup.
  • Introduced new filter ‘astra_global_color_palette’ to extend default color palette settings.
  • Block Editor – Editor experience improved in relation with the frontend.
  • Responsive toggle selection customizer options replaced with new multi-selector control for better experience.
  • Performance related customizer options moved to new admin dashboard under Settings tab.


  • Customizer’s responsive font-size control UI is misaligned.
  • Off-canvas – Full screen – Mobile Menu gets very long scroll when Elementor plugin is activated.
  • Full Width/Contained layout Layout is showing extra padding above in the Transparent Header.
  • Block editor – Getting “ ‘core/editor’ )getBlocks()” console warning in editor as being deprecated in WordPress version 5.3.
  • Block editor – Button background color gets overridden by core styles for Legacy block editor setup.
  • Elementor Global button style overrides theme’s submenu button style.
  • Getting console error in customizer when trying to update footer columns.
  • Block editor – Color gradient angle input field not visible in the block settings.
  • Block editor – Content background gets explicitly set to white in responsive view.
  • WooCommerce – Sticky add to cart is not working on old header footer.
  • Margin applying for the last child ‘li’ tag inside widget section.
  • Block editor – Button background color gets overridden by core styles for the Legacy block editor setup.
  • Customizer – Content background color reflections not working in customizer preview.
Team Astra Profile Pic
Team Astra
December 8, 2022

Astra Pro 3.9.4 Updates


Team Astra Profile Pic
Team Astra
November 10, 2022

Astra Pro 3.9.3 Updates


  • Header Builder – Menu – Filter to add mega menu compatibility with registered nav menus. ( )
  • Custom Layout – Custom action hook support added to trigger layout content or snippet on a specific location.
  • WooCommerce – Single Product – Recently viewed product feature.
  • WooCommerce – Checkout – Back to cart button feature.


  • Custom Layout – Redesigned admin posts list & editor meta settings with better UI/UX.
  • WooCommerce – Removed jQuery dependency from Quick View addon.
  • Introduced action ‘astra_checkout_login_field_before’ to trigger custom snippet before WooCommerce checkout’s login fields.
  • Introduced action ‘astra_checkout_login_field_after’ to trigger custom snippet after WooCommerce checkout’s login fields.
  • Added notice to install Astra theme if plugin directly starts. (Props –
  • WooCommerce – Single Product – Selected active variant style design updated via filter ‘astra_addon_update_wc_variant_style’.
  • Page Header – Repeated target rule error notice type changed to warning notice type with disabling the trigger.


  • WooCommerce – Single Product – Payment list styling is broken inside the quick view popup.
  • WooCommerce – My Account – Placeholder added if product image is not available on the order and download section.
  • WooCommerce – Composite product plugin compatibility on a single product.
  • WooCommerce – Updated Related and Upsell products sub-option dependency.
  • WooCommerce – Border removed on single product gallery sliders.
  • Custom layout content before not working with the WPML targeted pages.
  • WooCommerce – Quick view console error on all pages.
  • Header Builder – Menu – Megamenu container get hides when hovering in between Top Offset spacing.
  • W3 validation – WooCommerce – Quick view and Checkout’s Apply Coupon text having accessibility issues.
  • Fatal error ‘Uncaught TypeError in Count function’ for invalid argument issue on the frontend for cache files, in some rare cases.
  • WooCommerce – Checkout – Password required when guest checkout is active.
  • Header Builder – Menu – Active colour from sticky header options not applying to menu items.
  • Custom Layout – Inside post/page content displays multiple times with entry content hooks used.
  • WooCommerce – Remove product icon misalignment issue on the cart page with the safari browser.
  • Builder – Account Element – Changed direction for submenu opening does not work for account menu. ( )
  • WooCommerce – Single Product – The product gallery looks improper when a single product layout builds using a theme builder layout and the first image large gallery option selected from the customizer setting.
  • Footer Builder – Divider Element – Hide on Desktop option is not working.
  • WooCommerce – Off-Canvas Sidebar Filters – Close link trigger is not crawlable due to javascript:void(0) href.
  • Header Builder – Menu – Sub-menu background colour overrides the border-radius of the submenu in the customizer.
Team Astra Profile Pic
Team Astra
November 10, 2022

Astra 3.9.4 Updates


  • WooCommerce Cart – “Cart Page” click action introduced to redirect the user to the cart page.


  • Added Spectra plugin compatibility for a better experience.
  • WooCommerce Cart – Moved border width option for cart icon from the addon to theme.
  • WooCommerce – Clear button is aligned on top for WooCommerce active filter widget when the “Chips” option is enabled.
  • WooCommerce – Single Product – Edit shortcut link assigned to sticky add to cart for easy navigation in respective customizer section.
  • WooCommerce – Added product images for tablet users on the cart page.
  • To have an elegant fresh setup UI, updated the customizer sidebar layout by default to No-Sidebar.
  • WooCommerce Cart – Responsive slider option to adjust Slide-in Cart width for Desktop, Tablet, & Mobile devices.


  • WooCommerce – Content background colour not working in the customizer preview.
  • WooCommerce – Shop – Sale badge text is misaligned on the front end.
  • WooCommerce – Custom image and icon support for payment section.
  • WooCommerce – Payment list styling is broken inside quick view.
  • Block Editor – Astra Meta settings do not save when the Custom Fields option is enabled from the preferences.
  • Two search buttons are visible on the empty archive search result page.
  • Disabled Astra meta setting for the Blog page, which does not work from meta box, as it acts like an archive page on the frontend.
  • Megamenu spacing conflicts with the primary menu top offset option on mobile devices.
  • WooCommerce – Cart icon size is not working on the starter template site.
  • Top border showing up for related post section on a single post when Boxed & Content Boxed layout is active.
  • Editor – External toggle controls reverse their direction due to the theme’s CSS.
  • Block editor – Getting console error for reading properties of undefined for getEditedPostAttribute.
Team Astra Profile Pic
Team Astra
November 3, 2022

Astra 3.9.3 Updates


  • Compatibility with WordPress 6.1.
Team Astra Profile Pic
Team Astra
September 7, 2022

Astra Pro 3.9.2 Updates


  • WooCommerce – Checkout – Order summary & payment box background color options.


  • Introduced filter ‘astra_addon_override_single_product_layout’ to enable/disable vertical & horizontal slider gallery layout in case if Single Product layout built using any page builder themer.
  • Action ‘astra_addon_woo_quick_view_before’ for firing before Quick View popup trigger.
  • WooCommerce – Introduced new JavaScript event ‘astraInfinitePaginationLoaded’ after shop infinite pagination loaded.


  • WooCommerce – Single Product – Default variation option not working with Change Dropdown to Buttons option in variable type product.
  • WooCommerce – Single Product – Gallery thumbnail slider not in sync when product variations changes.
  • WooCommerce – Checkout – String ‘Customer information’ is not translatable.
  • WooCommerce – Checkout – Email validation not working for non admin users when trying to login through the checkout page when the modern layout is active.
  • WooCommerce – My Account – Download items UI gets messed up in modern layout.
  • WooCommerce – Checkout – Login button font-size does not match with their surrounding label in modern checkout style.
  • WooCommerce – Checkout – Country/Region misalignment in checkout form on single country selection when modern input style enabled.
  • WooCommerce – Single Product – Misalignment with quantity updater when vertical style is applied.
  • WooCommerce – Shop – Product cards box shadow not working when old header footer is active.
  • WooCommerce – Single Product – Product gallery missing when single product layout build using theme builder layouts.
  • WooCommerce – Removing white background color being added to minicart icon when style is selected as outline.
  • WooCommerce – ‘View Cart’ secondary link is hidden when product added to that cart from the single product page.
  • WooCommerce – Shop – Active filter misalignment on the frontend.
  • WooCommerce – Modern Checkout layout support for Germanized for WooCommerce plugin.
  • Showing deprecated function warning on frontend after installing Elementor with theme.
  • Customizer range slider control not accepting decimal values for ’em’ unit.
  • Need to double click for dropdown menu to open sub-menus on desktop in rare cases.
  • Blog – Infinite scroll is not working with Custom Post types.
  • W3 validation – aria-label attribute is missing for button in Full search style.
  • Updated product columns option dependency on individual Related and Upsell enable setting.