Team Astra Profile Pic
Team Astra
June 23, 2022

Astra Pro 3.6.10 Updates


  • Moved Single Post and Page spacing option to theme.


  • Translated Taxonomies not listed under the target specific rule for Custom Layout with Polylang plugin.
  • Custom Layouts – Inside post/page content displays multiple time with entry_after hooks used.
  • Small space appearing between the Sticky Above and Primary header in the Beaver Builder editor.
  • Primary submenus not expandable on mobile when toggle button element is not added.
  • “Header Button” heading added to separate out Sticky Header options in old header.
  • Accessibility – LifterLMS profile link is missing aria-label and role attribute.
  • Fixed display Products from Same Category with Navigation. ( )
Team Astra Profile Pic
Team Astra
June 2, 2022

Astra Pro 3.6.9 Updates


  • Improvements as per WordPress coding standards.
  • Elementor page with Motion effect jerks on scroll when header is set to sticky and animation is None.
  • Header – Menus – Box Shadow not applying for submenus from customizer options.
  • Submenu items expanded initially in offcanvas, when Toggle Button being used for desktop header.
  • Single Product Quantity not working for decimal numbers.
  • Astra theme version number missing in Rollback section.
Team Astra Profile Pic
Team Astra
June 2, 2022

Astra 3.8.2 Updates


  • Improvements as per WordPress coding standards.
  • Compatibility with WordPress 6.0 – Image block not aligned center when Legacy option set from the Block Editor.
  • Header – Account – Login popup not opening on mobile/tablet.
  • The theme’s responsive styles not loading with the responsive preview option in the block editor.
  • Off-Canvas – button type is missing for the close button inside the Flyout header type.
  • W3 validation – Parse error for background-color CSS property.
  • W3 validation – aria-label attribute is missing for related posts link.
  • W3 validation – Role attribute is missing for Account element link.
  • Line height decimal not appearing in the Global typography section.
  • Gutenberg editor – Layout settings are not visible for Group block.

Team Astra Profile Pic
Team Astra
May 16, 2022

Astra 3.8.1 Updates


  • Users updating from v3.7.8 in some edge cases facing resource allocation error.
  • Global Typography Body and Headings font family preview changes not appearing in the customizer.
  • Beaver Builder page content width not working properly with block editor CSS compatibility.
  • W3 validation – Role attribute is missing for Account element link.
Team Astra Profile Pic
Team Astra
May 5, 2022

Astra 3.8.0 Updates



  • Font variant customizer control’s HTML markup was loading from PHP, which is now moved to React JS for the better and optimized customizer performance.


  • Customizer’s typography section loading slowly.
  • Block editor – Layout settings are not visible for Group block.
  • Elementor Pro – WooCommerce Checkout Form’s shipping details not look appropriate in editor mode as it looks on the frontend.
  • Search element not displaying in Mobile Offcanvas.
  • Offcanvas Shopping cart closes automatically on mobile when scrolled.

Team Astra Profile Pic
Team Astra
May 5, 2022

Astra Pro 3.6.8 Updates



  • Builder – Search – Search markup is loaded even when the search element is not added.
  • WooCommerce – Grouped product – Add to Cart not appearing properly on Quick view.
  • Some of the Search shortcodes are not working on the posts or pages.
  • W3 validation – aria-label attribute is missing for the close icon for Trigger For Off-Canvas Sidebar on the Shop page.
  • Sticky header meta option is not working on the frontend.
  • Custom Layout – “Header is built using Custom Layout” notice showing in customizer even the layout’s toggle is disabled.
Team Astra Profile Pic
Team Astra
April 18, 2022

Astra Pro 3.6.7 Updates


  • Blog – Infinite scroll is not working with Masonry Layout.
Team Astra Profile Pic
Team Astra
April 18, 2022

Astra 3.7.10 Updates


  • WooCommerce – Grid layout not working properly with Products Archive shortcode.
  • Toggle menu not collapsible on below IOS 13 version.
  • Compatibility with WordPress 5.9.2 – Customizer block editor color More Settings getting oval shape around palette.

Team Astra Profile Pic
Team Astra
March 3, 2022

Astra 3.7.9 Updates


  • Fix: Added correct version number for background updater.