Team Astra Profile Pic
Team Astra
June 5, 2019

Astra Pro 1.8.3 Updates


  • Disable Execution of PHP Code in Custom Layouts using constant ‘ASTRA_ADVANCED_HOOKS_DISABLE_PHP’


  • The sticky header menu color not working when the menu color is set from Advance Header.
  • Mega Menu improper width on page load.
  • Sticky header menu color not working when menu color is set from Advance Header.

Team Astra Profile Pic
Team Astra
June 5, 2019

Astra 1.8.5 Updates


  • Introduced astra_fonts_display_property filter to allow users to modify the font-display property. ( See Doc )
  • Introduced astra_attr_main-header-bar Filter to add a title attribute to the Header background image as an alt text alternative. ( See Doc )
  • Introduced astra_site_tagline_tag Filter to change the tag of Site Tagline Markup. ( See Doc )


  • Elementor Products widget grid layout responsive design compatibility
  • Notice for HTTP_USER_AGENT when it is not set or filtered from firewall.
  • Display rating notice only to users with permission to install plugins.
Team Astra Profile Pic
Team Astra
May 23, 2019

Astra 1.8.4 Updates


  • Introduced astra_the_title filter to allow users to modify the title.


  • Add a font-display property for the Google Fonts.


  • Missing Inherit option added for breadcrumb typography.
  • WooCommerce Shop Page row column compatibility with Elementor.
  • Breadcrumb NavXT plugin schema data not correctly visible.
Team Astra Profile Pic
Team Astra
May 22, 2019

Astra Pro 1.8.2 Updates


  • Breadcrumb deprecated notice appearing on the page header.
  • Hide changelog only when whitelabel is enabled.
  • Brizy compatibility fix.
  • Transparent notice appearing in the color option of Customizer even when Transparent Header was disabled.
  • Redirect to cart page on successful add to cart if the option is selected from WooCommerce settings.
  • Scroll not smooth on mobile when masonry effect enabled for blog posts.
  • WCAG 2.0 Search icon link accessibility fix.
  • Remove usage of get_woocommerce_term_meta() which is deprecated in WooCommerce 3.6.0.
  • Vertical Gallery scroll appearing even when 3 products added in the single product page.
  • BB Editor changes not getting saved when Mobile Header addon is active.
Team Astra Profile Pic
Team Astra
May 8, 2019

Astra 1.8.3 Updates


  • Add a font-display property for the Astra Fonts.


  • Gutenberg separator always displayed fully.
  • WCAG 2.0 Search icon link accessibility fix.
  • Breadcrumb schema last item id error.
  • PHP notice appearing when sub-menu border width set as default.

Team Astra Profile Pic
Team Astra
April 22, 2019

Astra 1.8.2 Updates


  • Hide “Cart” text appearing in the WooCommerce cart in the header.
  • Anchors inside blockquote inheriting blockquote text color, hence challenging to distinguish them as links.
Team Astra Profile Pic
Team Astra
April 5, 2019

Astra Pro 1.8.1 Updates


  • Fix: Breadcrumb shortcode not working.
  • Fix: When hash link clicked inside merged menu, the menu was not closing.
Team Astra Profile Pic
Team Astra
April 5, 2019

Astra 1.8.1 Updates


  • Fix: Breadcrumb link colors not working in the customizer preview.
  • Fix: Refactored some functions for breadcrumb.
  • Fix: The last menu item takes complete header width when the menu is disabled.
  • Fix: Astra’s post classes conflict with Beaver Themer and Elementor Pro’s Archive layouts.
  • Fix: When hash link clicked inside Below Header mobile menu, Above Header mobile menu & desktop Primary menu, the menu was not closing.

Team Astra Profile Pic
Team Astra
March 28, 2019

Astra Pro 1.8.0 Updates
