Team Astra Profile Pic
Team Astra
August 10, 2023

Astra Pro 4.1.7 Updates


  • Compatibility with WordPress-6.3.
Team Astra Profile Pic
Team Astra
August 7, 2023

Astra 4.1.7 Updates


  • Compatibility with WordPress-6.3.
Team Astra Profile Pic
Team Astra
July 19, 2023

Astra 4.2.0-beta.1 Updates


  • Introducing Revamped Container Layout Options: ‘Normal’, ‘Narrow’, ‘Fullwidth’. (Learn More)

    Earlier, we offered five different layouts, namely: Fullwidth Contained, Fullwidth Stretched, Boxed Layout, Content Boxed, and Narrow Layout.

    Now, with the latest release, we have simplified them to only three: Normal, Narrow, and Fullwidth Layouts. The new layouts are intuitive to use, avoid complexity, and provide users with more clarity while managing the Container Layouts.

  • Introducing new Container Style Options: ‘Boxed’, ‘Unboxed’. (Learn More )

    We have a brand new option called the Container Style, which will provide the users the ability to customize the look and feel of the containers.

    It comes in two modes: Boxed and Unboxed. The Boxed Option applies a “Boxed” background and boundary to the container, whereas, on the contrary, the Unboxed Option provides a clean “Unboxed” look without any background or boundaries.

    The Container Style is fully flexible and can be combined with the layouts and the Sidebar Style Option.

  • Introducing new Sidebar Style Options: ‘Boxed’, ‘Unboxed’. (Learn More)

    We also have another new option called the Sidebar Style. It provides the users the capability to customize the look and feel of the sidebar.

    It too comes in two modes: Boxed and Unboxed.

    The Boxed Option applies a “Boxed” background and boundary to the sidebar, whereas, on the contrary, the Unboxed Option provides a clean “Unboxed” look without any background or boundaries.

    The Sidebar Style is fully flexible and can be combined with the layouts and the Container Style Option. Unboxed:


  • Migrating container & sidebar layouts to new revamped settings for better user experience. (Learn More)

    After updating to the newly released Beta Version, Astra will automatically update the existing container layouts and migrate to the new options based on your existing site’s customizations. Please also note that going forward, we have provided backward compatibility for the sidebar with the Fullwidth Layout. Meaning, for the existing users upgrading to the latest version, the sidebar will remain intact with the Full-Width (Earlier called Full-Width Stretch) Layout but will not be supported anymore for the new users of Astra.

Team Astra Profile Pic
Team Astra
July 5, 2023

Astra 4.1.6 Updates



  • Header Builder – Menu – Item Divider doesn’t work on the last submenu item.
  • Author Link not working on layout 2 for single post title.
  • WooCommerce – Sticky Header feature is overwritten by the Checkout dropdown fields.
  • Fatal error: Uncaught TypeError: Unsupported operand types: On frontend and customizer.
  • Applied bottom spacing creates big gap with paragraphs from list block in entry-content.
  • WooCommerce – Quantity not updating properly when ajax add to cart is used on shop page.
  • Related Posts – Read more CTA having “http://” prefix with target attribute.
  • WooCommerce – Slide-in cart automatically trigger while saving changes in Elementor editor.
  • Incompatibility with latest PHP v8.x versions.
  • Post title & Featured image is not visible while editing in Elementor with banner layout 2.
  • The Sticky Add to cart feature not working in the RTL version of the website.
  • Secondary menu SVG alignment on tablet/mobile including RTL version.
  • Single product payment icons misalignment on Safari browsers (Mac and iOS).
  • Blog – Read time option visible with free theme but not working.
Team Astra Profile Pic
Team Astra
July 5, 2023

Astra Pro 4.1.6 Updates


  • WooCommerce – Added Sale badge color change option for shop card modern design.


  • Updated the license deactivation setting notification icon from admin panel.
  • Loaded WP admin-bar related compatibility css only if user is logged in.
  • Added a new filter ‘astra_font_line_height_unit’ to adjust the unit for line height. ( )
  • Custom Layout – Improvised layout editor icons with better UI.
  • Added font-size support till 200px in customizer typography options.


  • WooCommerce – Column setting not working on single product page for display recently viewed products.
  • Mega menu icon styling is not applying on tablet/mobile.
  • WooCommerce – Console error on checkout order review page.
  • WooCommerce – Checkout Order Review Page Does not Appear for Mobile/Tablet when the Modern Checkout is enabled.
  • Custom Layout – Edit layout Screen does not work with Beaver Builder when classic editor is active.
  • Custom Layout – Embed video block not working on front end.
  • Nav Menu – Mega menu not working with RTL language setup on the frontend.
  • License activation link not working on admin Custom Layout & Page Headers page.
  • Console warning regarding the incorrect use of element and improved compatibility with accessibility tools.
  • WooCommerce – Fatal Error on Modern Checkout Page after Adding New Field with YITH WooCommerce Checkout Manager Plugin.
Team Astra Profile Pic
Team Astra
May 17, 2023

Astra 4.1.5 Updates


  • Offcanvas Menu – Transparent empty canvas visible on expanding offcanvas toggle button.
  • Custom Layouts – Block editor core blocks custom spacing incorrectly applies to custom layout blocks in editor.
Team Astra Profile Pic
Team Astra
May 9, 2023

Astra Pro 4.1.5 Updates


  • Nav menu – Optimized number of database call to fetch megamenu item details.


  • WooCommerce – Console error from horizontal slider & vertical slider product gallery.
  • LearnDash – “Enable Distraction Free Learning” option missing from the customizer General settings.
  • Custom Layout – PHP code snippet with function calls throws PHP error “can not redeclare the function”.
  • Single Post: Apply Custom Sizes option missing from Customizer > Blog > Single Post section.
  • Single Post: Custom featured image size is not working with dynamic post banner area.
  • Spectra block dynamic styles missing on auto loaded previous posts.
  • WooCommerce – Enabling filter with flyout produce eventlistner error on console.
  • Sidebar title font is not working for product page.
  • Fixed lost password link for multilingual sites by using wp_lostpassword_url() function.
  • Header Search – Placeholder text appears twice in full screen search & header cover search style.
Team Astra Profile Pic
Team Astra
May 9, 2023

Astra 4.1.4 Updates



  • Theme package size has been optimized from 9MB to under 6MB.
  • Added WPML translation support for Pro Custom Layout’s Layout, Display-Exclusion rules, Users rule options.
  • Introduced filter ‘astra_header_profile_gmpg_link’ to remove gmpg link from webpage for GDPR.


  • Spectra’s Tab anchor links jerks when “Smooth Scroll to ID” option enabled from customizer.
  • WooCommerce – Cart – Realtime quantity updater not working on change of input box when Mix Match plugin is activated.
  • Breadcrumb content text-decoration style not working for active menu link.
  • WooCommerce – Cart – PHP error “can not redeclare astra_cart_position function”.
  • Header Builder – Off-canvas – Getting white flash jerk when closing offcanvas toggle menu.
  • WooCommerce – Pagination does not work for WooCommerce Categories without Subcategories if displaying subcategories on products.
  • Double border-top applied for footer in customizer preview.
Team Astra Profile Pic
Team Astra
April 6, 2023

Astra Pro 4.1.4 Updates


  • Header Builder – Site Logo becomes too small for the sticky header.
  • Custom Layout – Code editor strips out the code while saving and not working properly on frontend too.
  • Search – Inline search box misaligned with respect it’s search icon position.